Chance Me Please: IR major looking for big merit! [IL resident, UW4.0, 1450 SAT]

I haven’t seen @DramaMama2021 on in a while but she’s said in the past that for at least half the recipients, they are actually seeking the opposite - Pell kids, etc so kids outside that demographic.

They also have full tuition scholarships and if your family income is under $125k, assuming normal assets which they told me is 2x income so not much but if this is you, even without the Johnson it could work.

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yes: “different from their usual demographic of Christian/white/wealthy/from the South”, so that would mean FGLI or Pell Grant, Jewish or Muslim or Hindu students, from the Pacific Northwest or the Midwest, and various ethnic groups…
We don’t know what OP’s religion or actual SES but we do know she’s in the Midwest.


Ooooooh. I misread My bad. So yes OP may have a tough time…sounds like not a low SES.

She needs sure bets beside the home runs.

I think she has UIC and we don’t know budget sans loans but Bama would be $20k-ish.

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At Charleston, if you sign up for Honors and get invited to the interview weekend for Fellows and International Scholars, then it can be rewarding financially. My daughters scholarship is tuition plus a few thousand but that also includes being a Ketner Scholar, which is a service scholarship. You need to double major and have a language so it’d fit you.

They have a DC semester through U of SC Honors which my daughter is doing now and has what’s been so far a great, fast moving internship at a well known think tank. You also get a free May Away trip after first year.

The flip side is off campus housing is pricey but they have on campus housing too that’s reasonable. And there’s ample opportunity to find flexible employment $15 an hour and up.

Not sure if it fits as it’s another ‘Hail Mary’ but worth a look

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Here’s the link to UIUC’s NPC
You’d likely pay 18k for tuition then 7K for room&board. So, should be within budget if your parents are willing to contribute 25K.
Transportation&book costs seem inflated but that can earned with a part time job.

U Illinois Chicago – deadline Nov 1st for Honors (and thus scholarships)

OP would have a shot at full tuition or full tuition+room&board. Should definitely be on the list.

DePaul and Loyola Chicago have merit scholarships, not sure OP would receive enough.

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When I looked at its website earlier today, DePaul would not offer enough merit to get to a $25k budget, but Loyola Chicago does offer full tuition scholarships (the Ignatian, I think?). (The link is in my earlier post.)

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In addition to the ones mentioned above, with your test scores, Mississippi State would come in at about $18K and Texas State would be $17K (basically just a room and board and fees). This would be with guaranteed scholarships, so you may find another safety if you find one you like better that the super local option.


@tsbna44 and Myos are correct… approximately half of the Johnson scholarships (full ride + $10k stipend for summer experiences) are awarded to students meeting institutional diversity goals.

Johnson Scholars make up 10% of the incoming class (40-50 students) so it is absolutely worth a shot, whether or not a student checks a diversity bucket. I’m happy to answer any questions about the scholarship or W&L. My D is a current junior.

ETA: I agree with the suggestion to run the NPCs at the schools in consideration. The selective privates in particular offer generous need aid. I’ve included a link for the W&L Promise, but other schools offer similar need-based support so this is just an example.

[The W&L Promise | Washington and Lee](https://W&L Promise )

[The Johnson Scholarship | Washington and Lee](https://W&L Johnson Scholarship)


Do not get into a lot of debt - it will haunt you for years!

As co-signers, it affects your parents credit score, ability to get their own loans, good interest rates, etc. They are on the hook for it if you can’t/don’t pay the loans.

Take a look some not tippy-top LACs - many would love to have you (and will show you that)!


I don’t think Truman State has been mentioned yet. It’s Missouri’s public honors LAC, and it attracts a lot of strong students who can’t or don’t want to overspend on a rigorous education. You’d get their maximum auto-merit, so your worst-case COA there would be 26K/year; but there are also competitive scholarships that could lower it more:

I have no idea whether this would be a fit for you, but the Coast Guard Academy has an IR concentration within its Government major Government - United States Coast Guard Academy and would of course be free, with a service commitment. Unlike the other service academies, it has a more typical admissions process.


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