chance me!!! please please

<p>I'm currently a junior and I'm crazy about Miami - but it's expensive! I want to know what my chances are of getting in, and what my chances are of receiving a scholarship because that would really help me</p>

I've only taken the SAT one time, but I got 1930 and I'm taking it 2 or 3 more times
Not sure if I'm going to take the ACT, might not send my scores in, probably get around 28 but hoping for a 30</p>

<p>unweighted gpa - 96
weighted gpa - around 99</p>

<p>extracurriculurs - not insanely involved..
environmental club - 3 years
key club - 3 years
school newspaper - 3 years
world language club - 2 years
cabaret club - 2 years (show my school puts on for pediatric cancer)</p>

<p>volunteer work
work at a center in my town for kids whose parents/siblings have cancer
120+hours of community service
lifeguard/camp counselor - i don't know if this helps </p>

<p>courses throughout high school (and my schedule for next 7ear) - don't know how much they look at class rigor
AP american history
AP art history
AP english 11
AP english 12
AP government
AP comparative
college forensics
college spanish 5
college marketing
college sociology (possibly)
Honors biology
Honors spanish 4
Honors ancient history
Honors global history
Honors english 9
Honors english 10
Advanced digital photo
Advanced journalism
digital photo
Spanish 2
Spanish 3
Italian 2
Italian 3
computer tech and careers </p>

<p>please give me your opinions I really appreciate all the help I can get!</p>

<p>What are your SAT subscores?</p>

<p>What is your class rank?</p>

<p>math - 640
reading - 620
writing - 670</p>

<p>I know they don’t look at writing so I’m gonna have to bump up my scores.
My school doesn’t rank.</p>

<p>And because I’ve been hearing a lot of different numbers, how much would tuition cost annually for OOS?</p>

<p>UM only counts Math + Reading on the SAT. You should definitely take the ACT if you have the chance. What were your scores on the APs. I believe UM considers course rigor and wants to see you taking a very difficult schedule in senior year. If you are in the US, what region of the country are you from? If you don’t know class rank, then guess at your decile. Any hooks - family who went to UM - first generation in college, etc?
Were you (or have you) going to visit campus? I think showing interest like that helps in many ways.</p>

<p>Tuition is the same for in-state and out-of-state. Tuition alone for class of 2018 will be around 42k per year. Housing is another 6k, plus fees, books, etc, etc. Plan on at least 50k in the first year. </p>

<p>Yes, if you want to taste some serious scholarship money, you will need to raise your SAT or ACT scores…</p>

<p>I’m just nervous to take the ACT because the science section brings me down. Without the science section I would get a 30</p>

<p>Well your SAT score is a 1260 (Cr+M) which is like the 30th percentile for UM. While that is on the lower side, it doesn’t rule you out. Also, your GPA looks pretty good. If you can get your sat score up by 50 points I would say you’d probably get in. Right now I think its iffy, but you have a shot. </p>

<p>Doubt you’d get any money with your current stats. </p>

<p>WOW-I didn’t realize tuition is expected to be 42K per year for 2018s… thats RIDICULOUS! </p>

<p>Anyways good luck to you!</p>