Chance Me? Please (Transfer Student Fall 2016)


I want everyone that views this to chance me for getting accepted for the Fall of 2016 as a transfer student. Currently, I attend a private university located in state and I would also be considered an instate student.

H.S. GPA- 2.5
ACT Score- 28
Extra Curricular Activities: Varsity Baseball ( 4 years) Baseball Captain, Black Student Union, Key Club, Best Buddies, Student Council, Sport events coordinator.
Reasons for my high school grades being the way they are. Father was in and out of jail, constantly on the move, raised by a single mother that I barely spent time with. Had to move in with a friend for 3 years of high school so I can get on the right track. Had really good letters of recs and essays.

College Stats- 2.8 GPA for Fall 2015, looking to get above a 3.3 this spring
Extra Curricular’s- Fraternity, Black Student Union, Student Senate, Campus Ambassador for a big company.
School I am at now does not have my major.

Please chance me!

Also, an African American Male

Ouch- your college gpa looks low. UW may have concerns that you can succeed at UW given your combined college gpa would be near 3.0. If you are instate consider really improving your gpa, taking the courses you can at your present school and applying with more semesters that show a radical improvement from last semester. If OOS- consider instate options with your major. Also consider spending more time studying- too much time spent doing EC’s may be hurting you academically.