Chance me Please VA Tech ED & RD

Hi, I’m currently a 2nd semester jr. and was wondering if I have a good chance at VA Tech next year.

The GPA’s are my core weighted GPA’s I’ll have each respective time.

GPA: 3.61 for regular & 3.56 for early
SAT: 2130 (740m)(630cr)(760w)(11 essay)

AP & DE COURSES: Graduating with 8-9 AP’s & 5-7 core Dual enrollments
-9th grade: AP Gov(3)
-10th grade: AP World(3)
-11th grade: AP Calc AB, AP Comp Gov, AP Stat, College Engl(1101), College Env Sci, College Econ, College US Hist, College Engl(1102)
-12th Grade (will take) :AP Biology, AP Comp Sci, AP Phys I, College Calc II, College Calc III
-Rest of classes have been honors

RACE: Indian but born here

-Class president 10th & 11th grade
-Homecoming court sophomore year
-Founder & pres. of animal rights activist school club
-JV & Varsity soccer
-Participant in school play production
-Intern for City of Roswell’s gov’t (comm. development, GIS software)
-Pres. of Muslim students association
-Volunteer hours at animal shelter
-Math tutor for kids in neighborhood
-Lifeguard all through High School
-Guitarist of 4+yrs (in a band, & run small business giving lessons)
-Member of environmental club

Given all this, where do I stand, & should apply regular or early?

I have time from now till then so I’m open to all thoughts/advice & criticism


You do but your biggest hurdle will be the fact that you are not a VA resident. Generally only 30% of students can come from out of state. Have you looked at GA Tech? Look at every school’s Common Data Set to find which ones you have a chance at.

One thing I’ve learned on this site is not to apply anywhere Early Decision that you cannot pay for without financial aid. One element of ED is that once you are accepted ED you must withdraw every other application you have out there. Since most FA decisions arrive in April you will never know if another school makes you a really great FA package. I did just learn that you can apply RD before Nov 1. Logic makes me think the early RD applications will be reviewed before the other Jan 1 RD applications. You have great test scores and I think you should do that. Unless you can pay cash for out of state tuition… Good luck!

PS Look closely at VA Tech’s AP credit. If they don’t give credit for a three I wouldn’t mention it. (I can’t remember.)

Your stats look decent. Usually Virginia Tech’s GPAs are a little higher (IE >3.8). However, VT does accept 3s on AP exams, so that could give you a little boost. Your ECs look great, and Tech loves volunteer experience. Overall, I think the decision to apply should be based on your major. I am a Virginia Tech student, and many people I know were accepted, but only into their second major. For example, it is extremely difficult to get into engineering and architecture. A piece of advice would be to apply under University Studies if you chose to apply Early. Good luck! :slight_smile: