Chance me please!

<p>GPA: 3.9 UW, 4.3 W
ACT: 30 (w/ writing) 31 (w/out)
Rank: top 4% of 520ish
Senior class load: AP Government, AP Lit, AP Micro, Honors Communications, Honors Sociology, another random English class (all one semester long…I graduated early to do an internship @ Nebraska legislature)</p>

<p>Extra-curriculars: tons of awards/leadership positions from speech/debate, jazz/pep/marching/concert band for a couple years, I live on a farm/raise unconventional animals, NHS, campaign work, a ton of comm service through church, Key Club, French Club
Geographic location: midwest
Parents income: high</p>

<p>Great gpa, above average act, rigorous course load, and decent Ec’s. My bet is that you’ll get in. I say a low match! =]</p>

<p>Thanks! Anyone have any idea how eligible I’d be for merit-based aid? I won’t qualify for any financial need scholarships, so I was hoping for some kind of package along those lines…</p>