<p>Hey guys I'm trying to narrow down my schools...
white female, junior year
high school weighted 4.5-4.6 (by end junior year)
high school unweighted 4.0
intended major: biology
taking the SAT in May and June and hoping for a 2000 or over</p>
<p>Ohio State University (Alumni and dad used to be on staff)
Penn State University (In state)
University of Pittsburgh (In state)
University of Delaware
University of Maryland
West Virginia
University of Georgia
University of North Carolina</p>
<p>Any thoughts on the premed programs?</p>
<p>Looking for a school with good sports, particularly good football and/or basketball and a good college vibe.</p>
<p>Any others that match me? I am really concerned about pricing, but I don't qualify for need-based aid so I'm looking into merit based scholarships.</p>
<p>Chances on schools in general and non-need aid for academics?</p>