Chance me please?

<p>Hey guys! I'm an out of state female from a well-ranked public school. Just to start this off right: I have less than a 3.0 GPA, but I suffered through some serious emotional trauma and overcame outside issues and am seeking help (hence the GPA). As for everything else...</p>

<p>SATI: 2150 CR: 730 M: 710 W: 710
ACT: 32 R:36 E:32 S:32 M:28 (could be 27 I forget though)</p>

<p>Current year courses:
AP Comparative Gov
Honors Film Studies
French IV

<p>In the past I have taken about 6 honors courses.</p>

Senior editor of school paper
Staff on yearbook
Staff on literary magazine
Started Rugby club at school
Regional U19 Rugby team
Internship at a well known cancer institute
Currently work at a rather good university in the area for a different internship
JV Alpine Ski team
I have a part-time job
Film club
Habitat for humanity club
Sustainable garden at school
I have traveled to DC for multiple marches on Washington and rallies
I started an environmental action network in my area</p>

<p>I'm really worried about applying, because my GPA is in fact SO low. </p>

<p>Thank you!</p>

<p>you will need great essays and a lot of luck. Apply to a lot of schools your test scores will get you into most.</p>