Chance me please

<p>Hi I am AA female from a low income family
I go to a great public magnet hs
I have maintained a 4.0
On transcript have a 4.2 w 3.8 uw ranked top 3%
Have taken every ap h class possible currently n 5ap and 1h class n my senior yr
3yrs of German
NhS member 4 y V cheer captain jr yr
100+ hrs comm service
Decent EC's
Great essay stellar recs
Problem is I only got a 20 on first act then second got a 21
Applied to UCLA , Baylor and Howard but I have some safeties please chance me</p>

<p>Views no post …what’s up</p>

<p>Howard - Reach
Baylor - High reach
UCLA - Very high reach</p>

<p>I’m no admissions officer, but your ACT score just kills your resume IMO.</p>

<p>How did you do on AP tests? Did you have any clue that the ACT would come out the way it did?</p>

<p>You sound like a great kid and your magnet school may have been the best around for you. However, I think your school may have let you down. A “great magnet” is a relative term. It maybe great compared to nearby schools but I wonder how it objectively ranks vs schools in your state.</p>

<p>I mention this so that when you go on to be successful, you may choose to live in an area where schools are objectively superior.</p>

<p>Thanks but of course I plan to do better my mom n dad have 5 kids I’m the oldest mom has illness and my dad struggles but I’m really hoping for Howard I can only play what was dealt but when I’m shuffling the sky will be the limit!</p>

<p>I think you’ll get Howard. GPA is more important than a test score.</p>

<p>Thank you I really hope I do are u in college now</p>

<p>I’m a dad. I used CC to get some insight for my S and D. My son got his first choice and is a freshman. My D got accepted ED to her number 1 choice also. I continue to ■■■■■ CC because I gained so much knowledge and experience about admissions and want to share it if I can be helpful. I’m a Hampton grad and I even tried to help you even though you are interested in Howard so I’m being really beyond nice.</p>

<p>Haha yes u are Hampton is on my list as well applied there yesterday!
Thanku for your insight!</p>