Chance Me Please!

Hello all,

I am currently a Junior so this is for next year, but please look at this as if I am applying now.

ACT Composite: 32 (Can probably add a point by next year)
GPA UW: 3.2 (I know it’s low)


Biology, BC Calculus (skipped AB), Psychology, Chemistry

I will have also taken two Project Lead the way classes by next year, which also count as college credits.


Four years cross country (one varsity), three years varsity chess (captain for two), 3 years golf (two varsity)

Volunteer Work:

I will be going on a one week mission trip with my church to Colorado this summer. I also have about 120 volunteer hours with the VA and Wounded Warrior Project.

Work Experience:

Freelance Web Developer for 4 years. I am also the founder of a web maintenance company with about 70 active clients.

Random Stuff:

Essays will be good, and I have two great recommendations.

I am a Mensa member.

I participated in a four week long Science and Engineering Program at UW Madison last summer.

I do not need financial aid.

In state applicant.

What do you think of my application? Thanks for your time!!

Sounds like a good chance. Really work on getting that GPA as high as you can. Just curious; what is the name of your web company?

Sorry, but I can’t say! Thank you for your response!

Lol - Mensa!

Are you leaving that off your application? The issue is that a high ACT and low GPA gives the impression you are smart but don’t try hard. Don’t exacerbate that by listing Mensa membership on your application.

Yea, also if you’re not willing (able?) to produce a name for this company on your application, I wouldn’t even mention it.

I will definitely mention the name of the company on my aplication. I got a 4.0 this semester, so hopefully they will notice that I finally got my act together.

Agree with previous posters. Being in Mensa is not something to mention. Most won’t bother. I think I once heard all National Merit Scholars qualified, not worth pursuing Mensa just to say you belong- ie there are other, better, ways to prove you have intelligence.

Your summer activities do not count for EC’s. EC’s are done during the school year. “Missionary” and other do good trips just mean you have the money to spend on travel- those who can’t afford to do such things are not penalized (btw, I’m a firm believer in doing the good works locally).

It sounds like you substituted work and activities for doing your homework to get top grades. Getting a 4.0 each semester of junior year will show UW you matured and have settled down. This will offset earlier poor grades and show you now know how to study.

Finances do not matter to admissions.

btw- UW has club running, an excellent stress reliever.

Thank you so much wis75 for your input!! I wasn’t sure if they cared about Mensa or not so I just thought I would put it on there, but based on your advice I will refrain. But I might be able to get around 200 hours at the VA by the time I apply, so I am wondering if Madison puts much weight in community service. And in my opinion, everything on my aplication is great except for my GPA. Considering their “holistic” admissions process and two very strong last semesters, do you think they will be willing to look past my below average GPA?

It is anybody’s guess on the GPA.

Service hours are good.

Your gpa is the most important factor- a poor one will not be offset by many hours of activities. You need a good knowledge base/firm foundation to succeed at the level and pace of UW courses. You need good study skills which will be reflected in good grades. If you are spending your time doing outside activities, however noble, instead of doing the school work you are not preparing for doing college work.

Having 200 instead of 100 or 50 hours will not substitute for learning the academic material and therefore getting better grades. Keep your priorities in mind.