chance me please?

female, instate, bio major
3.8 W, 2060
good extracurriculars, 2 honor societies
3 well written personal statements

You should definitely get in, good luck!

VT admissions are very numbers-driven.
3.8 weighted or unweighted? For in-state, female, non-engineering, pretty much anything above a 3.5 unweighted should get you in. Maybe even lower.

Not sure I agree that non-engineering females can get in with unweighted 3.5 or lower. (This would not be unheard of but should not be expected) Actually, females in the other majors have higher average GPA’s / SATs than males which I would imagine makes it more competitive for them. In fact, in some majors, like Biology, it is 62% or more female. Just something to consider.

I didn’t mean 3.5 unweighted alone - I meant 3.5 unweighted for an In-State applicant with a 2050 SAT score (i.e, the OP).

I don’t see data for Biology majors after 2012; the latest I see shows a 3.86 (weighted) at about the 25th %ile for Biology majors, but 2050 SAT being more than 100 points above the 75th %ile (1940), for female students entering Biology. (select 2012, college summary, science, BIOL) They are clearly using weighted GPAs, several of the numbers are above 4.0.

So even if her 3.8 is weighted, I think it is balanced out enough by her 2050 and she’s in. If 3.8 is her raw unweighted GPA, then she’s in easily (and competitive for UVA, too).

I suppose it was misleading to ask about unweighted GPA, since VT seems to only use the weighted numbers.

Oh I sure hope they only use Weighted! my son only has a 3.8 Weighted but got 2280 on SAT and 32 ACT. I hope they look at the whole picture as his GPA was pretty much a B level on a mostly GT and AP course load. 10 AP classes with 5’s on 6 of the 7 tests taken and one 4. We are OOS though. He is an economics in the school of Science major so he is not competing with Engineering students. We are hopeful he will get in but nervous he won’t. Even if he gets in, I don’t think VT gives hardly any merit money, especially OOS so I don’t think he will get money so VT may be costly option. We do love the campus though and have lots of family members as Alumni. With VT very generous AP policy he would start school as a Sophomore in credits so we might be able to shave off some of the cost over 4 years. But jumping ahead since we don’t know yet! Good luck to OP!