Chance me! PLEASE

1820 SAT
3.56 GPA W
4 APs and 2 Honors
School is ranked top in state
Hispanic immigrant
California resident
First female in America to go to college from my family
Dual citizen
2 Jobs
Track Team 3 years
Church Volunteer

Applied to CALS and got scholarship email… Does everyone get those? Is that a favorable sign?

Thanks in advance and on, Wisconsin!

Everyone for CALS gets that email.

Have you tried the Net Price Calculator?

Did you apply for the Chancellor’s Scholarship?

GPA and SAT both low. Slim chances.

Minimum GPA for this scholarship is 3.0.

your ACT would be 27 which is on the low side of the middle 50% of entering freshmen (26-31 with 29 ave). Your GPA is also on low aside. 75% of entering freshmen have unweighted GPA >= 3.75 and UW appears to heavily weight GPA as well as course rigor (I.e, did you get A’s in toughest courses available to you). If your unweighted GPA is < 3.5, you would be in the bottom 5% of entering freshmen.

I thought the 26-31 ACT was the statistic for the middle 50 percentile of students offered admission, not for students who accepted the offer of admission (which could be lower).

Anyone have a link?

@Madison85 I am referring to middle 50 percentile listed at both and the US News & World Report college website. I thought they were for entering freshmen, but might have misread it. also lists scores for students that have expressed interest in UW on their website.

@Madison85 US News& World Report data is for 2014 and according to their website “25 percent of the college’s students scored at or below the lower end of this range, and 25 percent scored at or above the upper end”. I interpreted that as being entering freshmen. 26-31 is the range listed for ACT composite

I thought the percentiles were for entering freshmen as well. This is the peer group starting any given fall.