Chance me please!

White female from NOVA
3.4 gpa but went up to a 3.45 after the first semester (not sure if they even consider first semester grades?)
1090 SAT 540 math 550 reading (I know it’s very low)
Over 100 hours of community service
4 year varsity lacrosse starter
First generation college student
Wrote all 3 essays

I also forgot to mention I applied undecided if that makes any difference

Recommend using the link below to see the average statistics of admitted students for your major. This is the best sources of how you stack up to others from a very high level. (ie: SAT and GPA). However, this does not take in to account the quality of GPA based on level of classes, grading scales, weights, etc. There is no advantage nor disadvantage to applying undecided IMHO.

Where else have you been accepted?

@lastone03 I only applied to 5 schools, but have been accepted at George Mason, East Carolina, and LSU… still waiting on JMU and VT. VT is my first choice though.


Wait nvm just read undecided

Might be a little low but still a shot! Good luck!

@collegehopeful1827 Looks like your two toughest schools are the ones you are still waiting on. Nonetheless, you’ve got some great other choices so be proud of yourself. VT and JMU are challenging to chance. They accept some that you would think would be denied and deny those that you would think would be accepted. This is a very competitive year for both schools so all I can offer is good wishes because I really would not feel confident in hazarding a guess.