Chance me please

<p>I'm a male Chinese-American senior going to a small private school in CA and applying RD for Medill. Currently, I'm taking 2 AP courses and 2 regular ones.</p>

<p>GPA W-4.25 UW-3.93
Ranked 9 out of 153</p>

<p>SAT I CR780 M800 W760 Total-2340
Math Lvl 2 790
Biology E 680</p>

World History 4
Calc AB 3
English Lit 4
US History 3
Govt TBD
English Lang TBD</p>

Club and varsity swim - 1 yr
Youth group member - 4 yrs
NHS member - 2 yrs
School newspaper sportswriter - 1 yr
JV Volleyball - 2 yrs, Club and varsity water polo - 1 yr
Community service: Library volunteer - 3yrs, Red Cross - 1 yr
Work exp: Violin teacher - 1 yr, Lifeguard - 1 yr</p>

<p>Besides the fact that I'm taking only 4 classes this year (bad decision), I'm pretty satisfied with my academic record. My ECs are alright but definitely not as strong. What do you think of my chances?</p>

<p>AP scores is your area weakness, but everything else seems fine!</p>

<p>how would that hurt? i can see how good scores could help but can they really hold it against you if your scores aren't great, since they aren't required or anything?</p>

<p>i think you stand a pretty good chance. The 1 year ec's and as you said -only taking 4 classes- might look a little flaky, but i don't know how much NU cares about that.</p>

<p>you're SATs and rank are great, but your 1 year ECs insinuate you're not really committed to anything. i still think you'll get in though.</p>