Chance me Please

<p>Hey I'm applying to Berkeley, LA, SD USC and some backup colleges I know I'm gonna make, so could you please chance me?</p>

<p>UC GPA: 4.20</p>

<p>SAT: 2090
Math 2c: 780
Chem: 780</p>

<p>Rank: 15/675</p>

<p>4 APs, 2 Honors Classes Taken</p>

<p>Varsity Tennis 3 years in a row and made CCS twice so far.</p>

<p>120 hrs. community service</p>

<p>Good College Essays</p>

<p>Officer of KEY Club
In a couple other clubs too</p>

<p>If you need any more information to chance me, please ask by posting! Thanks</p>

<p>Am I figuring your score out right....written is more than 200 points less? Why only 2 honors?</p>

<p>You should be match at UC Berkeley and UCLA if you are in-state. If out-of-state, then you are Slight Reach at these.</p>

<p>You are Match at USC regardless of where you live.</p>

<p>Best of success.</p>

<p>Oh yeah, I was also in JSA and got some awards</p>

<p>I was also ELC.</p>

<p>Oh yeah, I want to apply for ENGINEERING at these colleges. Now what are my chances?</p>

<p>come on people!!! 144 views and nothing?</p>

<p>SD = safety (ELC)
Cal/LA/usc = match</p>

<p>why not have some reach schools?</p>

<p>Thanks for the "chance." But I'm just curious. What do you base your estimates on?</p>

<p>UCLA and Cal: Match
UCSD: Safe match</p>

<p>The estimates are based on past admission data and trends. Look here:</p>

<p>UCLA</a> Undergrad Admissions: Profile of Admitted Freshmen
<a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>Your scores and GPA are good, but your ECs are somewhat weak. Do you have any honors/awards? I'd say:</p>

<p>Berkeley: slight reach
UCLA: high match
UCSD: safe match
USC: match - safe match</p>

<p>yeah i have honors and awards:
2 tennis awards, 2 comm service
scholar athlete</p>

<p>i took the SATs again last Saturday. I should be getting scores on Dec 20</p>

<p>oh yeah, and about why no "reach" schools, GPAx213, is because I don't want too much about it. And I think that UCLA, Cal, and USC are reach schools.</p>

<p>Oh yeah, one more question. What "reach" colleges do you think i should/should have applied to that I would have had a good shot at?</p>

<p>i understated some of my stats. his won't matter much, but, my UC GPA is 4.24 and my subject test scores are 790s. also, my rank is actually 14. This probably doesn't make a diff, but i'm still paranoid</p>

<p>2190 woohooo!!!!!!!!!!</p>