Chance Me Please

<p>17 Yr Filipino Male Lived in california since birth
UC GPA 4.238
SAT I M-780 CR-650 WR-560 (55 MC 8 Essay) Total 1990
SAT II Math IIc 780 Physics 730 Chem 700
(I was sick during AP season…but i don’t know if i can blame my sickness for my scores) Anyways… example of grade inflation…maybe</p>

<p>Soph. Year
English 2 Honors A,B
Precalc Honors A,A
Bio Lab Honors, A,A
World Civ Honors A,A
Spanish 3 A, B</p>

<p>Jr. Year
AP English 3 A, B, 2
AP Calc BC A, A, 2 (AB subscore 3)
AP Physics C B, B, 2 (Mech)
AP Enviro A, A, 2
Spanish 3 A, A</p>

<p>Sen Classes (Our school switched schedules, we now have 8 classes per year, and divide them into 4 each semester.)
AP Chem A, A
AP US Hist B, A
AP Bio A, A
4th Per Dismissal</p>

<p>Senior Predicted 2nd Semester Classes(Called 3rd Term in Our School)
AP Eng
Multi variable Calculus At a Community College
Half of those A’s are actually A-'s Minuses… Does that matter?</p>

<p>EC. 200+ Hrs
Boy Scouts Life Scout 50 Hrs Com Service

  • Patrol Leader, Assistant Patrol Leader, Instructor, Den Chief
    Tutoring Jr. High Students 30 Hrs
    Boys Volleyball All 4 Years. Freshman JV, Soph-Junior Varsity…Junior Year we won League and placed 8th in CIF div 2.
    Coached Volleyball Team For Jr. High 120 Hrs
    (Unofficial Coach, You could not be coach if you were 18, But i ran the practices and rotations…and i told the “Official Coach” what to do during games)
    American Cancer Society-Relay For Life 2 Yrs
    -Team Leader 2nd Year. Highest Raising Youth Team…Raised 1765 Dollars. My family and I raised around 1200 dollars.
    Food Share/Soup Kitchen/Beach Clean up/Other 36 Hrs
    Designed Website for a Family Business
    Piano Lessons Taken Piano lessons for 7 years. Won Various Awards
    Organized a Piano Teaching Business for kids… Taught 3 Kids piano for 5 months 5 dollars per hour for 40 minutes a week for each kid. (Should i Consider it a business on the APP?)</p>

<p>Awards (I don’t really consider many of these as actual awards because they are so common)
Top Scholar-NHS
Honor Roll- CSF
Athletic Scholar- Varsity sport
Gold Medal in Piano- National Guild Auditions
1st place unofficial winner at a chess tourney at the Pre-Engineering Program proyecto access sponsored by NASA (128 Players)</p>

<p>Pre-Engineering Programs and SAT Prep
Proyecto Access Sponsored by NASA (Summer)
Pre-Engineering Program at the Port Huemene Naval Base (During Senior Year)</p>

<p>SAT PREP (none of these were actual classes/courses. They were all brief and quick programs)
Catalyst 8 hours (2 Sessions)
Private tutor from Catalyst 7 Hours (3 sessions)
Princeton Review Free Sessions 10 Hours (I attended 5 sessions that covered the same material)</p>

<p>BTW I don’t know for sure if i got ELC to UcSD. I got elc to Davis, SB, SC, Merced, and Irvine, They all say “Guaranteed Admission” but on the UCSD ELC paper they sent me it says “Congrats for applying…you qualify for ELC, We Want you to Apply to UCSD”</p>

<p>So what are my chances to most of the UC’s? What are my chances to UCSB, UCD, UCI, UCB, UCLA,</p>

<p>You're good for all of them.</p>

<p>are u sure? despite my AP grades?</p>

<p>Does look a bit like grade inflation, hmmmn....
What is your schools API score? If it is low that could work out in your favor. Regardless the UC's say they don't use AP scores for admissions purposes. They do ask you what your scores are on tests taken during your junior year.</p>

<p>Your SAT scores are really good though. Did you study for your AP tests?</p>

<p>i don't really want to give an excuse...but really though i was just pressured too much... Boy Scouts i was trying to advance this month, Volleyball Playoffs during MID-MAY(EXACT TIME OF APS), and was trying to do well on the SATs</p>

<p>OUR API SCORES are low...our city-data rate is 55...But I don't see how that works out in my favor?</p>

<p>The low API will work in your favor. I wouldn't worry about the AP scores. It could just mean that though you are bright (shown by SAT's and GPA) your teachers failed to do an effective job teaching AP courses and therefore preparing you to take the exams. I think you have an excellent shot. The most important scores are grades and SAT's. They say they don't use AP scores in admissions decisions. Go for it and apply to Cal and UCLA.</p>