chance me please

<p>High school junior

<p>Orchestra- A (4.0)
Health- B+ (3.3)
P.E- A (4.0)
Honors French 2- B (3.0) (.05)
Honors Geometry- B (3.0) (.05)
Honors English 9- A (4.0) (.05)
Honors World History- A (4.0) (.05)
Honors Biology- A- (3.7) (.05)
UW GPA- 3.6
W GPA- 3.85 (3.9)</p>

<p>Orchestra- A (4.0)
P.E- A (4.0)
Honors English- A (4.0) (.05)
Honors Modern World History- B- (2.7) (.05)
Honors Civics- A (4.0)
Honors Algebra 2- B- (2.7) (.05)
Honors Chemistry- B- (2.7) (.05)
Honors French 3- A (4.0) (.05)
UW GPA- 3.5
W GPA- 3.75 (3.8)</p>

<p>Junior Year so far
Orchestra- A (4.0)
Honors French 4- A (4.0) (.05)
Honors Physics- A (4.0) (.05)
Honors Pre-Calculus- A (4.0) (.07)
A.P English 11- A (4.0) (.07)
A.P U.S History- A (4.0) (.07)
A.P Environmental Science- A (4.0) (.07)
UW GPA- 4.0
W GPA- 4.4</p>

Violin since the 4th grade
Westword- Since 10th grade
Special Page Editor
Project Music- Since 9th grade
Youth Group- This year
Interact- Since 10th
Building with Books- Since 10th
National Honors Society- This year
Tri-M- This Year</p>

Stepping Stones Children’s Museum- 150 hrs (2006-2007)
Ferguson Library- 23 hrs (2005) 30 (2006)
Soup Kitchen- 12 hrs
Church- 6 hrs
Temple - 10hrs
Organized a toy donation for St. Luke’s Children in 2004 (Collected over 100 toys for kids)
Silver Presidents Volunteer Award for the year of 2006-2007 for volunteering over 150 hours.</p>

National Youth Leadership Conference- Summery of 2008
Let’s Get Ready SAT Prep- Summer of 2007, 2008
Y.E.S I Can/A.M.B.Y.S.E.E Program at UCONN- Summer of 2007, 2008
National Soociety of High School Scholars- 2007, 2008
Columbia Journalism Conference 2007, 2008
Passions- Volunteering, Violin, Writing</p>

<p>Spanish (Puerto Rican)
Fluent in French</p>

<p>I'm a strong writer so the essays should be good!</p>

<p>you're doing a good job so far and I think you have a good chance, just don't slack off because next year is supposed to be even more competitive. O, and study for those SATs and ACTs since those are somewhat important too (although not that important, I had o.k. test scores but a GPA like yours and I got in).</p>

<p>On a side note, on chance threads less is more- just put down unweighted gpa, competitiveness of school and rigor of course load, scores, some main e.c.s and hardships that might explain bad grades. People on here aren't admissions people who can look at every detail, they can maybe just give you their best guess based on the results thread for this year and that chance of admittance chart on the Wisconsin website, which you might want to check out, lol.</p>

<p>p.s.- P.E. counts for nothing so don't bother calculating it in.</p>

<p>Good luck!</p>

<p>Thanks muzixgirl89!
Do you have the link for the admittance chart?</p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>Good luck! Hope that you are one of those people who can afford the tuition if you get in, I unfortunately probably can't.</p>

<p>Uh im leaning towards shoe in?</p>

<p>ur in my friend...good luck as long as ur act is 27+</p>