Chance me please

<p>Caucasian Male from NJ
Father attended UVA - Legacy</p>

<p>Applying as a chemistry major </p>

<p>GPA without senior year grades(my school doesnt convert to 4.0 for some reason):
unweighted - 89.something
weighted - 90.764</p>

<p>Rank: School doesnt rank</p>

660 critical reading
690 math
700 writing</p>


<p>730 chemistry
710 math 1</p>

<p>Senior Schedule:
-AP Government, AP Calc AB, AP Physics C, AP Bio, Honors Medicine in Literature, Gym
-I have taken all honors classes except for spanish in freshman year only
-I only have 3 years of foreign language</p>

<p>Senior 1st Marking Period Grades - 92.5 unweighted and 96.3 weighted
AP Calc: 81 unweighted and 86 weighted
AP Bio: 90 unweighted and 95 weighted
AP Gov: 94 unweighted and 99 weighted
AP Physics: 91 unweighted and 96 weighted
Honors Medicine in Literature: 99 unweighted and 102 weighted
Gym: 100 </p>

<p>AP Classes:
Chemistry - 5
Government - Taking in May
Calc AB - taking in May
Biology - taking in May
Physics C - taking in May</p>

<p>ECs - In school
Varsity bowling since freshman year - Captain
Chemistry Olympics Team for 2 years
Academic Decathlon Team for 3 years - Co-Captain
Environmental Action club for 1 year - Treasurer
Computer Club for 2 years
Chess club for 3 years
Ski Club for 3 years</p>

<p>ECs - Out of School
I work 18 hours a week to help pay for the cost of college
Coach of a baseball team for children with special needs during the spring
Volunteer at the local food pantry
Volunteer at the town library for organizing book sales to support the buying of new books
Used to be a moderately competitive fencer for 3 years (Blew out my knee so I cant really participate in it anymore)
Volunteered at the local senior center for a year</p>

<p>Thanks to all of those who took the time to read my blocks of text =)</p>

<p>Bump =p <3 UVA</p>

<p>Great ECs. Stats are borderline even for legacy. Can you estimate your rank?</p>

<p>Well my class has 212 people and on our secondary school report my gpa falls within the top 30% of students. However, I have found that many of the students that have a higher rank than me take all CP or a mix of CP and honors classes. I dont really think its fair for those kids who take the easiest classes offered to be of a higher rank than a student who takes the hardest classes the school offers. =(</p>

<p>The school profile that the GC sends to the colleges should help with this issue. UVA understands perfectly well that a 4.0 with no AP’s is different than a 4.0 with AP’s. They will take it into account and evaluate your rank.</p>

<p>you’re never going to get in, fooool</p>

<p>disregard shaii. </p>

<p>you have a chance, although, as guillaume said, your stats are borderline. Did you only take 1 AP class (AP Chem) before this year?</p>

<p>lol shai is just a friend from school being a jerk =p but i only took 1 AP in junior year because i ended up dropping AP US history. the teacher assigned a summer assignment that i didnt completely understand, so i emailed him during the summer. He never answered me, and since the summer assignment is a huge chunk of the first quarter grade, i decided to drop the class so i wouldnt get killed the first marking period ><</p>

<p>oh since i copied this format of app from another chance thread somewhere i left out recent/incorrect info:</p>

<p>33 ACT in october and chem was an 800 SAT II…i think i accidentally copied the wrong SAT info when i used other persons format</p>

<p>ahh well then, shaii, go at it. :)</p>

<p>yeah, I would say your higher scores have increased your chances. Good luck!</p>

<p>my older brother had a Lower SAT, not very good ECs and he got in out of state as a legacy. However, his GPA was significantly higher than yours. I think you have a shot, but i hesitate to say guaranteed.</p>

<p>Yea. I would say you’re on the fence as well. But there’s many people like you who get in, so just apply!</p>

<p>you will never get in. a 99 in honors medicine and literature is just not acceptable. UVA would not want to see such terrible grades.</p>

<p>thx catherine =)</p>

<p>true, ur lack of AP’s will certainly be disheartening and hurt you. OOS hurts too even if ur a legacy. Ur stats are pretty borderline at bottom 25% area. Idk, OOS could get you in, IMO good chance, match-high match</p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>i dont know what you’re talking about, devilman.
i don’t know you at all. i just think you will never get into UVA. your grades just aren’t good enough, and you’ll never pass AP Calculus.</p>

<p>i completely agree with shai. and who is this catherine you speak of devilman?</p>

<p>I had forgotten about this thread for a while. Devilman, how you holding up waiting for UVA? I wish I could see your face when you get that letter, but considering I’ve NEVER met you before, that would be impossible…
cate27, you sound fabulous, let’s be best friends.</p>