chance me please!

<p>i rlyyy would love to be accepted to Wellesley and i applied for Early Evaluation as well</p>

<p>Asian American girl (parents are from Bangladesh)</p>

<p>School average: A- at a veryy competitive NYC specialized high school
ACT: 28 composite, 11 on essay</p>


<p>Staff writer for school newspaper for 4 years, nominated for editor twice
Model UN member, 2 years
The Jane Austen Book Club, secretary, 3 years
American Cancer Society org, volunteer, 2 years</p>

<p>Outside of school:
Member of the 4th Unitarian Universalist Church of New York, choir singer 2 years
ballet lessons 2 years
piano lessons 6 years
Columbia Law School High School Law Institute-student-fall and winter 2006-07
NYU Precollege-student-summer 2008 </p>

National Honor Society
National Society of High School Scholars
National Honor Roll
Wells 21st Century Leadership Award</p>

<p>Work Experience:
CORE Tutorial, teacher, summer 2008
Peer2Peer Tutors, tutor, winter 2007
Law firm internship, July 07 to sept. 08 </p>

<p>volunteering/community service:
Housingworks Bookstore Cafe winter 2008
Queens Hospital Center summer 2006 </p>

<p>2 teacher recs: both excellent from junior yr physics teacher and junior yr advanced algebra teacher
excellent supplementary rec from sophomore yr English teacher</p>

<p>common app essay: on the status of women in Bangladesh and how it inspired my career choice </p>

<p>rigorous course load for senior yr: 6 classes, 3 AP courses, 3 electives </p>

<p>wellesley supplement essay: very good
interview: went fairly well over the summer
SSR: excellent</p>

<p>shown interest in the school by visiting, interviewing, on the mailing list, met the rep when she came to my school and participated in the prospective student chat</p>

<p>so, do I have a good chance??? I rlyyy want to be accepted</p>

<p>You look like a solid candidate. Good GPA, OK ECs, seemingly good recs and essays…I would caution you to double check the validity of the Nat’l Society of High School Scholars and the National Honor role awards–I seem to remember hearing about something of a similar name to those that was false. Be careful about that. </p>

<p>And by the way, I’m a UU, too, and I sing in choir! :)</p>

<p>everything looks pretty much solid across the board–just your act scores might be a little on the low end.</p>

<p>i dont know what the applicant pool is going to be like but i’d say you have a good chance. :)</p>

<p>thankss for the responses!</p>