Chance Me Please?

<p>GPA: 3.5 (UW) 4.0 (W; it’s about a 98ish weighted, my school does not do letter grades)
Rank: 21% UW, I do not know my weighted rank. I think I’m literally 2 people outside of top ten percent. I’ve taken all honors and 8 AP courses. (AP Euro, AP US, AP US Gov, AP English Lit & Lang, AP Chem, AP Calc AB and AP Physics C)
SAT: 2050 (2400)
SAT: 1350 (1600)
(math: 670 reading: 680 writing: 700)
SAT II: US History: 650 Math 2: 670
ACT: 31 (Writing Score: 12) </p>

<p>Devout Catholic, teaches religious ed courses, member of youth ministry, coordinated easter activities for the entire parish, 4 year letters for varsity ice hockey (state champions junior year), 15 years of dance (9 years competition dance), member of national honor society, math team member, member of 2-time state champion debate team (individually placed 3rd and 4th), varsity cheerleader (2 seasons, tried out on a whim), member of concert band (1 year), 200+ hours volunteering at maine medical center, key club member (3 years) and i work in the summers.</p>

<p>Great essay and great reccs. I applied EA and i’m a girl from maine. I go to public school.</p>

<p>c’mon guys :frowning: :(</p>

<p>BC is very big on faith based activities and having that on your resume will certainly help you. I think it is a match! Your SAT’s could be a little higher for me to say your definitely in, but your chances are quite good!</p>

<p>Chance back?
<a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>aw thank you! that’s so reassuring. i’m tweaking out till i get my letter.</p>

<p>i think this is a pretty good looking app, think they will be pretty impressed with especially all the EC’s while maintaining good grades :slight_smile: good luck :)</p>

<p>chance me back if u can :)</p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;
