chance me, please?!

<p>hello everyone. so i just got deferred from georgetown ea, which was disappointing, but now i'm looking more to some of my other options. i applied to harvard as a reach, and i'm just wondering if someone could give me a realistic view of what my chances are for admission.</p>


<p>applying for their history program.
- ACT: 32, writing, 9.
- SAT IIs: u.s. history, 760. literature, 700. math II, 650 (retaking.)
- GPA: 3.9.
- APs: u.s. history, 5. literature, 3. calculus ab, will be taking in may (these are only 3
APs that my school offers.)
- class rank: top 5%.
- senior year courses: ap calculus ab, religion iv, college physics, choir, psychology, spanish III, senior seminar english class...except for spanish, more rigorous in my school.
- extracurriculars: yearbook editor, varsity tennis (4 years,) 3 choirs, close up washington, d.c., reader's theatre, jv cheerleading, jv poms, chess club, recruitment, math and science competition teams.
- work experience: department store cashier, 1.5 years.
- community service: english as a second language tutoring, obama campaign, school service projects.
- essay: i thought it was excellent.
- recommendations: should be very good.
- interview: went well, we talked for about an hour and connected on certain aspects...she told me that i was a "people person" and that i have "a lot to look forward to."</p>

<p>female, white, illinois.</p>


<p>what sets u apart argyle?</p>

<p>Um… Why would you say low? This is the definition of well-rounded and is exactly what I’m told they are looking for.</p>

<p>But do retake that Math II.</p>

<p>Georgetown EA is far less selective than Harvard RD. That already does not bode well for you.</p>

<p>Nevertheless, you have taken full advantage of your school’s curriculum, and your stats are pretty good. But what ties your application together? They don’t need well-rounded people when they can get “well-lopsided” people who are still good at everything. What makes you different from many other applicants?</p>