chance me please...

<p>Hey I would like to know what you all think my admission chances at are. My test scores are low for I know and it absolutely kills me that I cannot get them up, but here is the rest. I am Indian also</p>


<p>GPA- 3.7 (unweighted), 3.9 (weighted)
Has taken 5 honors courses and AP Lit, AP Bio, AP US His, AP Macro, AP Micro, AP Euro
Took Advanced Physics and Pre-calc at Oxford University in England where I was accepted into a summer program there.</p>

<p>Scores: ACT- 25 composite
Subject Tests- Us History- 580, Math 1- 580</p>

-Very strong essays. I feel that this is a strong point of my application, especially for supplements and recommendations.</p>


<li>Resident Advisor- I go to a boarding school and was chosen as 1 of 8 from a pool of 50 boarding seniors to be a resident advisor in the freshman dorm of my school. One of the school highest honors.</li>
<li>Editor in Chief of School Newspaper</li>
<li>Founder and President of schools 1st Cultural Diversity Club</li>
<li>Habitat for Humanity Head of Fundraising. Must be elected by students and faculty</li>
<li>Amnesty International secretary
-Chosen by headmaster of school to organize the annual Susan B. Koman Cancer Walk
-Drama- held supporting and lead roles in plays. Cast as an extra in a movie and short film.- Sings in 5 different choral groups. 3 of these require auditions and are very selective. Recorded a CD.
-Plays piano and has been for 11 years</li>
<li>Junior Varsity Tennis</li>


<p>National Honors Society
Faculty Recognition List- teachers must nominate you for this.
Honor Roll
Selected as East Tennessee Science Fair winner for Physical Science category</p>

- Went to India and volunteered for 4 weeks, working in remote villages, teaching children how to read. I worked with an organization called Pratham Inc. and raised money for this group.
- Selected to attend Tennessee Governors School for International Studies- 80 students out of the state of Tennessee are chosen
-Selected to attend Oxford Advanced Studies Program in Oxford University</p>

<p>What do you all think? I know my test scores are a little low for but I am hoping that my extracurriculars will help. I have taken a good amount of AP's and Honors, but have taken a few regular classes also because I changed schools as a sophomore and it kind of messed up my schedule. </p>


<p>Like you said, your test scores are very low for Georgetown, generally you need at the very least a 30+ on the ACT, a 2000+ on the SAT or 600+ on SAT II’s, and even those numbers would be pushing it. You have good EC’s and a decent GPA, but I’m afraid that, save for being a recruited athlete or the winner of a major national award, those test scores are going to kill you.</p>

<p>Could you retake in January?</p>

<p>Your scores are probably the only thing holding you back. You have a good “wow factor,” what with your volunteering in India and study at Oxford. </p>

<p>Hopefully, these factors which make you unique from other candidates will overshadow your scores. Try to get them up in January to put the odds more in your favor.</p>