chance me please.

<p>Chance? Helpful hints? Suggestions?</p>

<p>ED for CAS
Asian female
descent public high school in NY</p>

<p>Stats: (they suck...)
-GPA - 4.2ish weighted
-Rank - Top 5% of ~400 students
-SAT - didn't take it yet, but based on practice tests, I could probably get in 2000 range (weak, i know)
-SAT II - USH 730 (planning to take 3 more in May, but let's just say i get 700 range for them)
-APs - USH, Physics C, Spanish, Gov, IB Biology (This doesn't include senior course load. It's looking to be about 4 APs next year)</p>

<p>ExtraCurricular Activities:
-Varsity Rowing (past two years)
-Asian club - secretary (all years in high school)
-Multi-Cultural club - secretary and one of the founders (junior year)
-Math magazine - jr. art editor and asst. Editor-in-Chief (past two years)
-Human rights club - secretary and one of the founders (junior year)
-Community service club (all years)
-Math League (all years)
-Student Council Delegate (junior year)
-Model UN (past two years)
-Church missions trips during the summers of 2007 and 2008 - Peru and Philadelphia
-Founding member for Youth for Hospice
-Internship at a law office during the summer
-volunteering at a local animal shelter
-Cornell Cooperative Extension Veterinary Science Program</p>

-National Honors Society
-Math Honors Society
-Science Honors Society
-Social Studies Honors Society</p>

<p>Too many EC, and looks more participation, not very dedicated</p>

<p>not very dedicated? elaborate please.</p>

<p>you should have more confidence in yourself if you expect to make it…I think your stats are actually rather decent, but if your SATs don’t exceed your very low expectations you won’t have a chance</p>

<p>too early to say until you take the SAT twice. Don’t expect your first score to be your best. I wasn’t too confident on my first go, but my second was stellar.</p>

<p>yea i figured. I took a practice one and got a 1920, so I’m really worried that I won’t do well.</p>

<p>one varsity sport with some kinds of state finalist would better off. Agree?
Leadership is also a key</p>

<p>Raise that SAT into the 2200’s, and I’d say you have a medium chance. GPA looks great, SAT II’s are fine but could be better.</p>

<p>aim for a 2100 on the SAT. if the SATs aren’t your thing, try the ACT. keep in mind that penn doesn’t allow score choice though.
i think your EC’s are fine, but it does seem sort of like a laundry list. maybe it’s the way you arranged them? find a focus or a passion, and emphasize that part.</p>

<p>Penn doesn’t allow score choice for SAT or ACTs?</p>