Chance me plssss

Plsss chance me!!! I’m OOS from Iowa!

UW GPA: 3.84
ACT: 29
All honors/ap classes
Head wrestling team manager
Head tennis team manager
President of school’s FBLA
President of school’s NHS
Academic varsity Letter
Community service varsity letter
Wrestling varsity letter
Yearbook editor
Newspaper columnist
Over 500 community service hours
Board member of T4T (youth philanthropy group)
Student council member and publicity and technology executive
Homecoming queen
Started my own tie dye business freshmen year

Thank y’all :slight_smile:

Well I would say that you are on the low end. The 29 is a killer did you take the SAT or ACT again? Madison is such a competitive school. You have a chance but not gonna lie it’s rough…where else did you apply?

UW GPA is right on the money per CDS; however, it would be helpful if we knew how that broke out between In-state and OOS (we don’t). ACT is right below the OOS average of around 30. I think OP has a decent shot but hard to say what the timing will be. Looked like a lot of great stats were deferred last year (though you don’t know the story behind the post in all cases).

UW-Madison has had an OOS acceptance rate of around 49%. With the introduction of the CommonAP that might push admits rates lower just due to higher volume. We won’t know for sure till several more months.

Your EC’s look great! Good luck to you!

Disagree about the test score being a “killer”. Remember- only 1/2 of students will fall in the middle 50th %ile- 1/4 will be below it.

I agree with wis75. The ACT score is very good. You look like you are in good shape! :slight_smile:

I agree with aimlesswriter and wis75. I can’t imagine you won’t get in.

Noted the all honors/AP for course rigor. That counts.