Chance me RD for CCAS

Please help me with my chances :slight_smile:
GPA:3.7(started high school around 2.4 due to poor middle school grades, but brought it up and had 4.3 for junior year. Senior Semester grades are also looking high)
SAT: super score: 700 math 700 reading&writing and 21 essay
VERY LOW income Asian
Took/taking 10 AP courses
-AP World:5
-AP Psych:4
-AP Chem:3
-AP Lang: 5
-AP comp gov/ AP US gov
-AP Micro econ/ AP macro econ
-AP Lit
-AP Calc AB

  1. Was an intern reporter at a Korean Newspaper company in my area. Published around 50 articles in the newspaper.
  2. 2n Degree black Belt TKD instructor
  3. Had family responsibility as caretaker because my single mom was working all the time.
  4. Editor of a political blog my friend and I run. (Interviewed Senators and Entrepreneurs)
  5. Model UN (Gaveled several times)
  6. Volunteered for VA governor Ralph Northam’s campaign
  7. Scholastic Bowl

Applying for history major for Columbian CAS
Thank you!


I think your stats are good-to-go. As long as you’ve conveyed interest in the school and do a solid job selling yourself (which shouldn’t be an issue with your writing background) you have a very good chance. Good luck!