Chance me? Really long, but replies are appreciated!

<p>Is it possible to get into Stanford if you didn't have good grades freshman year? I had a 3.39 because it was my first year at this competitve private high school even though I came from a crappy middle school. I know it's not an excuse but it was definitely a hard transition. I didn't play a sport or have very many ECs besides volunteering, piano and a few clubs. Sophomore year I had AP and honors classes plus cheerleading, and TONS of volunteering/ECs (helping people is what I do best!). I got a 3.51 first semester and most likely a 3.71-3.75 second semester. If I continue to take honors/AP classes and get a 4.0 throughout my junoir and senoir years of high school, willI still have a chance at Stanford? I'm going to apply either way but today I had a meeting with my counselor today and she kept talking about all the people at my school with perfect SATs/GPAs that got denied from Stanford. What do you think? </p>

<li><p>I'm studying hard for the PSAT/SAT so I'm hoping to get a 200 for PSAT and 2100+ for the SAT</p></li>
<li><p>If I don't make a 3.75 this semester then I am not eligible for NHS but I will be when I am going into my senoir year </p></li>
<li><p>My ECs:
Piano for 12+ years and I received some descent awards for it
Varsity cheerleading + lettered first year/have awards and am trying to be captain next year
American Red Cross Club (running to be president)
American Red Cross volunteer (185+ hours and counting)
50+ hours of misc. community service (and counting)
Habitat for Humanity Club
Taking a community service class at my school
Applying for a volunteer job as a patient care assistant
Faith in Formation (leadership)
Helping to organize the African-American Summit at my school
Applying for the National Youth Council of the American Red Cross (might not make it because of my age, but I want to become more involved with the RC)</p></li>

<p>I might do more if I find something interesting but this is it for now.</p>

<p>Additional info:
+URM (obviously)
+First generation, but only because my parents were too poor to afford college...they are really smart people
+If it matters, my school is quite rigorous and lacking of AA population</p>

<p>As you can see, all my ECs are centered around my faith, volunteering, leadership, and cheerleading. I only do the things that I am truely passionate about and don't need activities galore in order to make me feel accomplished. </p>

<p>I plan to major in African/African-American studies and become and emergency room doctor. I'm a really simple girl and just want to go to a good college, study hard, and help people. That's all.</p>

<p>I know I don't have solid numbers to work with because I haven't taken the actual PSAT/SAT etc. but based on this information, what are my chances and what should I improve on?</p>


<p>“We will focus our evaluation on your choice of coursework and your performance in 10th, 11th and 12th grades, mainly in the core academic subjects of Math, English, Social Studies, Science, and Foreign Language. We want to see that you have challenged yourself by taking some of the accelerated, honors, Advanced Placement, or International Baccalaureate courses, if they are offered at your school.” (quoted from [School</a> Reports & Transcripts : Stanford University](<a href=“]School”></p>

<p>Stanford doesn’t consider your grades/coursework from freshman year. I’m not familiar enough with Stanford’s admission policies to chance you, but I wouldn’t worry about a difficult freshman year.</p>

<p>Yeahh, I knew that they didn’t count freshman year but it still messes up my GPA, class rank, etc. Thanks for your reply though!</p>

<p>Anyone else?</p>

<p>Girl, do not worry! Your stats look REALLY REALLY good. A lot of people bomb freshman year worse than what you say and don’t even get back up, BUT you did. You are Stanford-bound!</p>

<p>Thanks! Yeah I was able to catch up by the end of sophomore year but it would have been so much better if I just had a 4.0 from the beginning. Oh well, I just have to focus on the positive now. </p>

<p>Thanks for the response!</p>

<p>You’re on a really good track so far. Your ECs are great. Just try your hardest junior year so you can bump your GPA up. I’m in a similar situation.</p>

<p>I’m a rising junior too. Come join us over at the <a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;. :)</p>

<p>Oh, most definitely! I just rescently realized that when I put everything I’ve got into my studies that I am actually quite capable of getting good grades at my school. I didn’t know this at first but now that I do, there is nothing that is stopping me from getting a 4.0 for the rest of high school!</p>

<p>Oh really? What’s your situation like?</p>

<p>Thanks for the response!</p>