Chance me SFS AND College please?

<p>Hey i am interested in either SFS or college (leaning towards SFS) and was wondering if any of you could chance me for one/both.</p>


<p>Ethnicity - Asian
School - VERY competitive public high school in New Jersey
Interests - economics/IR</p>


<p>GPA (Unweighted) - 3.7
GPA Weighted - 4.4
AP/Honors - I have taken the most challenging courses available to me, including all honors freshman and sophomore year (i took one AP sophomore year - AP Euro). Junior year - 6 APs taken (Physics B, Calc AB, Lang and Comp, Gov, Econ, Psychology). I HAVE GOTTEN 5'S ON EVERY AP TEST TAKEN (7 tests). Senior year - 6 APs (Stat, Calc BC, Environment, Lit, Spanish Language, US History). By the way, i got straight As Sophomore and Junior year, and one B+ freshman year.
Rank: Top 10% (School doesn't rank)
SAT Reasoning Test - 2200 (Math 720 CR 710 Writing 770) (Taking again in October)
SAT II's - 3 Taken (Math 2: 740 Physics: 740 Bio: 730)</p>


<li>Captain of Debate team - Won numerous national awards in Debate (done debate 4 years)</li>
<li>60+ hours community service (senior retirement home, library,)</li>
<li>Worked for a company for 2 summers (30 hours a week) doing manual labor, product development + advertising, administration work, done demos at shops in NYC, etc (I help run the business). I work for the business although only about 5 hours a week during the school year.</li>
<li>Piano 8 years</li>
<li>Drums 6 years</li>
<li>Physics Club (1 year)</li>
<li>Amnesty International (done all 4 years of high school)</li>
<li>National Honors Society (Since Junior year)</li>
<li>Tae Kwon Do: Black belt (Freshman and Sophomore year only)</li>


<li>Discussing Current Affairs</li>