Chance Me: Somewhat Unique Junior Transfer

Hi everybody! As I’m currently in limbo and trying to plan for the future, I wanted to post a “Chance Me” to see what people thought about my chances.

Backstory: Current Ivy student (Brown/Columbia/Penn) who is applying after a traumatic SA experience this past fall semester. No hooks, also requiring some financial aid. Am currently a junior, and am only applying due to my SA experience. In my Personal Statement/Why Transfer essay, I did honestly and transparently explain my reason but made sure to focus on why I believed _____ school was a good fit for me in other supplements. I recognize that I’d have to redo my junior year, but as I sit here typing in my dorm, I can’t imagine returning here after what I’ve gone through.

College GPA: 4.0/4.0

HS GPA: 3.99/4.0

SAT: 1550

Demographics: Asian Female (from Malaysia), applying for financial aid (partial)

Major: Psychology, Sociology

Recs: Should be all 10/10 as I’m very close with all the profs I asked, had 3 professor recs and 1 peer rec

Honors: Numerous Honor Roll awards at current Ivy, Cello National Awards from HS, 3x State Champion in high school competitive club (think DECA/BPA/FBLA/FFA/HOSA/FCCLA), 2x International Finalist (Top 10) in high school competitive club (think DECA/BPA/FBLA/FFA/HOSA/FCCLA), Special Recognition from college professor for Special Achievement in Psychology

College ECs:

  1. Internship at a reputable strategy consulting firm
  2. Founder of early-stage education nonprofit
  3. Research scholar in a prestigious program at school (neuroscience-focused)
  4. Research assistant in the energy department at my school (focused on psychology of energy usage)
  5. Executive leader of political consulting firm (oversaw congressional/gubernatorial campaigns, including some currently elected officials)
  6. Membership chair in sorority

ECs started in High School, still active in College:

  1. Musician/Composer (won national-level awards in high school and releasing music on Apple Music/Spotify soon)
  2. Independent Creative Writer (written and published over 300k words online with over 40k reads and over 500 reviews)
  3. Academic/Cello Tutor (paying for college through self-employed tutoring business, 98 students in past 5 years)

High School ECs (at least the ones mentioned in my apps):

  1. Varsity Swimming Captain (also school record holder)
  2. President of 103-member Competitive Club (think DECA/BPA/FBLA/FFA/HOSA/FCCLA)
  3. President of 84-member Competitive Club (think DECA/BPA/FBLA/FFA/HOSA/FCCLA)
  4. Founder of a student-run nonprofit organization (raised thousands of dollars, think 5 figures, for underprivileged Diabetes patients who can’t afford treatment on their own and research)
  5. Internship at a reputable biotech company (studied systems health and researched social/psychological impact of certain diseases on patients/loved ones)
  6. Volunteer at a hospital in Malaysia for a summer (my family is from there)

Colleges Applied To: All Ivies besides Princeton (and my current one ofc), Duke, Northwestern, Stanford, I also haven’t applied yet but think I’ll shoot my shot at UChicago since it’s rolling (I recognize it’s on the late end now).

I know some people thought I could get into these schools after seeing my ECs before, but am curious if after hearing my story (read: current junior/SA victim) they believe it’s a longer shot now. I recognize that all of these schools are so so hard to get into but I’m just so desperate to leave. Unfortunately, my parents told me they don’t want me “transferring down” which to them is everything besides these schools, and I need their financial support.

I’d say first and foremost, your health is most important - and I hope that you take care of yourself. No school is worth this - and even if that means you don’t go to school or take a gap year, please take care of yourself.

While your record is superb, Duke, for example, has a 6.6% transfer admission rate. Northwestern 7.6% (two years ago). What if you don’t get in?

If you can’t go back, you need to ensure - working with a counselor/therapist - that this message gets through to your family. It seems like you are just shotgunning top schools - and I understand based on your family. How about top LACs - like a Vassar, etc.

Your health, your existence are far more important than any college.

As to what you should write about - I’m not sure. It’s authentic but it could also be a risk.

But that’s secondary - taking care of you is far more important than the name on your degree.

Best wishes.

PS - it sounds like you are full pay but if not, some schools offer limited or no need funds to transfer applicants - so check each school to ensure it will meet your needs.


If you are already a junior and if you reported the SA, have you asked whether you could do your senior year elsewhere and have it count as your last year at the Ivy you currently attend? If not, go see the dean ASAP.

A long time ago, a lesbian I know went to a women’s college. She was the victim of a SA. A lot of people on campus didn’t believe her, but fortunately the administration did. She was able to take courses at a local public college while living at home with her mom–who was fully supportive of the need for her to recover away from campus. The college let the other college’s credits count towards her degree.

I think it’s at least worth asking. If you didn’t spend junior year abroad–and I assume you didn’t, you might ask if you could do senior year abroad .

I’m not saying it will work, but I think it’s worth asking.


Very good point. I know a former Barnard student who was able to do roughly this (finish elsewhere but still get her degree from Barnard). I don’t think it was for quite the same reason (at least that I know of), but it’s proof of concept.

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