<p>Sat score: 1690
MATH: 550
CR and Writing; 570</p>
<p>3.3 GPA</p>
<p>TONS OF EC's:
Sudent council member for 3 years and secretary for one year
School support club member for a year secretary for a eyar
Fashion club
music club</p>
<p>Excellennnnttttt recommendation letters. </p>
<p>University at Albany and University at Buffalo</p>
<p>Are you in state? or out of state? I have a friend who goes to SUNY BUffalo, and his gpa was a 3.6 and his Sat scores was an 1800…YOu seem to be in good standing for Albany, and you have a chance at buffalo…but I would still say for buffalo its a 50 50 chance.</p>
<p>SUNY Albany - Match
SUNY Buffalo - Low Reach to High Match</p>
<p>As long as essays and rec letters are okay, I think you have a good chance at both. Good luck!</p>
<p>Im out of state
thank you both!!</p>
<p>I think youve got a fairly good chance.Buffalo will be a bit harder,but I think youll still get in.</p>
<p>I got into Albany
thanks guys.</p>