Chance me - t20 CS colleges

university of wisconsin - madison

Which are the ‘more reasonable’ on this list….

Maybe Unw ? U of northwestern in St. Paul, MN - a religious school. I know that’s not what you mean.

Based on your list, you should add an Oregon State, Utah, Arizona or Arizona State type school. That’s your level I believe and all fine schools.

If you want to go to a fine school inexpensively then take a look at Alabama. You’d get $28k off of $32k or so and if you’re thinking it’s beneath you - well they have more national merit finalists than any school in America.

Basically they buy in smart kids.

Good luck but I do think you really need to step back and reassess. If school isn’t right for you, maybe consider a gap year.

It just seems like you are shooting for a full list of rejections. Like purposely.

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yeah calpoly slo, would family deaths/issues be an ‘extenuating’ factor since i’m talking about that in the additional info areas

At most schools, these types of situations are best being addressed by the school counselor in the counselor letter/report. I don’t know how the CA publics deal with that. @Gumbymom

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id rather do community college at that point though, those are decent around here and i should have an easier time with uc transfers anyway…

What the community is suggesting to you is to pick a school that is an absolute safety, rather than picking 20 where you may be thinking “can’t I even get into one of these 20?” It is very possible to not get into any of the 20.

Maybe you should try the de Anza college → UCB route, at least as a backup.

You can’t depend on extenuating circumstances and hope that some very reachy college is available as a result.


If you are OK with this as a plan, then fine. Be alert to CC applications as my understanding is some CA CCs fill up more quickly than others.


Yes, family issues/death would be extenuating factors. Did you address this in one of your personal insight essays vs. using the additional info area?

The UC’s and CSU’s do not accept counselor reports so it can be addressed for the UC’s in one of the personal insight essays. Unfortunately, for the CSU’s, there is no where to address these extenuating circumstances.

Thank you. Good to know that CA publics don’t use a counselor report…and the student should address this.

It doesn’t sound like this student has even applied yet.

@xdxdxdxd123 be alert. IIRC the deadline for the UCs is November 30. @Gumbymom can clarify and tell what it is for the CSUs.

no, i focused my personal interest on leadership, cs interest, and one on community service. i addressed it in the additional info section at the end where it said to describe other circumstances that impacted my academics and stuff. it was fairly significant as it correlates with the bad grades but i didn’t see the need to write a whole essay on it since i didnt want to come off as trying to gain sympathy


uc and csu is nov 30, ik that much

im basically done with the applications anyway, there’s not much to do besides adding financial info and submitting

well, i agree with what you mean and im still considering community college, but ive never considered myself dependent on getting into the colleges i apply to. the advice to look for colleges that are higher ranked in cs makes more sense to me either way and so i’ve reworked to eliminate some colleges that im applying to just for the prestige.

I would agree with TSBN that as an alternative to Harvard, Stanford and Princeton you look at Alabama or go the lucrative approach his nephew choose at Arizona. All about fit I think you are getting solid advice.

Several UC campuses, upon reviewing your application can ask for an augmented/supplemental review regarding extenuating circumstances mentioned on the application. If selected, you can go into further detail if needed.

@xdxdxdxd123, I can tell you the statements above are absolutely true. I live in an area that has great school districts. Lots of kids go to top colleges - and this correlation very often holds true. Tippy top applicants getting multiple top acceptances, or sometimes none at all.

If you’re truly ok with your plan of going to community college that’s fine. But don’t assume you’ll get into at least one top school just because you apply to a whole bunch of them.


It was you who estimated that one of those teachers would only give you a 7/10 LoR, not me.


fair enough, nothing wrong with trying though, right?
i know im not competitive or anything but i just assumed the gpa was more or less like a minimum requirement to even get a chance at being reviewed more, i have somewhere around a 3.6-3.8 gpa and i feel like that would be enough to get me past the initial stage on these colleges so that i can get manually looked at

Can you share the source for these CS admit rates?
UCSC is higher than I thought! I would have thought UCLA was lower.

This post from r/A2C has acceptance rates + sources for the top 20 CS schools.

In particular it seems UCLA CS was 5.4% in 2021, not 8.3%

Mistake for UCLA it was 5.4%.

Here is the original discussion with the posted links. Some Data is from 2021 and some from 2022 if available.