Chance me: The Game *DUN DUN DUN

I understand each school is mostly luck at getting into, so I devised this method.
Rank these following schools as: Highly competitive rank, medium competitive rank, low competitive rank.
I’m going to capitalize everything i believe is good in my EC’s

UT Austin
University of Virginia

• Unweighted GPA: 3.88 / 4.00
• Class Rank: 37 / 650
• ACT: 33 / 36 (Mathematics: 33, English: 32, Reading: 34, Science: 33)
• SAT: 1450 / 1600 (Mathematics: 730, Reading & Writing: 720)
• SAT II: 780 / 800 (Mathematics: Level II), 720 / 800 (Chemistry)
• Honors: 99th Percentile PSAT Score, NASA High School Aerospace Scholar, Air Force Academy Summer Seminar Cadet, Certificate of Completion of the National Guard Engineering Education Program
• Relevant Coursework: Introduction to Engineering, Principles of Engineering, Advanced Placement Computer Science, Robotics, Advanced Placement Chemistry, Advanced Placement World History, Advanced Placement Language, Advanced Placement U.S. History

Zaniac, (HEAD INSTRUCTOR - normally held by graduates), Southlake, TX March 2016-Present
• Instruct other students in kindergarten to eighth grade, through a hands-on curriculum regarding STEM Activities including 3D Printing, Java Game Design, Scratch, and Python
• Manage technical upkeep on 3D Printers to assure print quality and function

Computer Science Club, CO-FOUNDER AND VICE PRESIDENT, (18 Members)
• Create projects and assist students in completion of these projects in multiple programing language formats
Engineering Club, PRESIDENT, (40 members)
• Manage and budget money raised from fundraisers to be used in the development of the club
• Learn and develop key engineering skills through the creation of different products
Varsity Robotics Team, Team Leader and TREASURER,
• Lead a team of 5 members to create robots for competition
• Organize and limit part usage among the team in order to efficiently budget for multiple robots
Varsity Hockey Team, Team Member,
• Member of the first in region for High School Varsity Hockey Team
• Selected by other regional coaches as one of three team members to participate in the Texas
Varsity Debate Team, Policy Debate BOARD MEMBER,
• Create cases through extensive research relating to topical current events
• Texas University Interscholastic League (UIL) Policy Debate Champion 2016 - THIS LINE IMPORTANT
Natural Helpers, Member,
• Selected by teachers as 1 of 12 members biannually to be trained in the aiding of peer crises - THIS ONE TOO!!
National Honor Society, Member,
• Actively participate in community service such as John Hopkins Memorial Hospital Toy Drive
• Contribute to fundraising efforts in order to benefit community service projects
Junior Varsity Lacrosse Team, CAPTAIN,
• Demonstrated leadership skills to provide focus throughout games and practices for 25 teammates
• Promoted teamwork and communication abilities to effectively win games

Also: I will probably be provided a full ride scholarship from ROTC (AF), which I know colleges will like because free money and full tuition charged. This also comes with a push from the ROTC detachment to the admissions department. The current commander at Yale, said she will try as hard as she possibly can to get me into Yale

Also, freshman year, family member diagnosed with cancer and passed away sophomore year. I plan to write about the struggles through high school in my essay (This essay is finished if people would like to read it)

I think you’re set. People are going to say that your ACT is a little low for HYPSM, but the truth is that none of those schools have a higher average than 33. What I’m trying to say is that you won’t be denied at a school because of your ACT score. You have great ECs, and as long as you write good essays, you’re just going to have to see what happens. I can’t say that you have good chances at HYPSM because no one really does; many more qualified student apply than get in. It’s your essays, aka your personality, that will really set you apart from the rest of the applicant pool.

I’m going to say which schools you are highly competitive, mildly competitive, and lowly competitive for since I don’t really understand your system.

UT Austin: highly competitive (safety-ish)
Cornell: mildly competitive (match)
MIT: lowly competitive (reach)
Harvard: lowly competitive (high reach)
Princeton: lowly competitive (high reach)
UVA: highly competitive (high safety/low match)
Cal Tech: lowly competitive (reach)
Stanford: lowly competitive (high reach)
Yale: lowly competitive (high tech)
Duke: mildly competitive (low reach)
Vanderbilt: mildly competitive (low reach)

You need a lot more safeties.

I’m auto admit, and will go to UT if nothing else works out