Chance Me - Transfer Horticulture (CALS)

High School - 3.70 GPA (all honors courses)
AP Classes - AP US (3) and AP Enviro (5)
College - 3.85 and Dean’s List
Test Scores - Didn’t report

I am currently a student at the University of Connecticut and I am majoring in Horticulture which is in the Agriculture Department. I am a freshman and applied to transfer to the University of Wisconsin - Madison for Fall 2016 to major in Horticulture. I will have earned 36 credits by the end of the Spring 2016 semester at UConn.

Some stats about me -

  • I did both varsity cross country and varsity track and field throughout high school
  • I am an Eagle Scout in Boy Scouts
  • National Honor Society member in high school
  • Secretary for my high school FFA (2012-13) and FBLA (2014-15)
  • Competed in many FFA career development events throughout high school
  • Church volunteer
  • And I’ve worked at a plant nursery/ wholesale farm the past 4 years

I sent in my application January 4th, and all my materials were received last week. I sent out two teacher/prof letter of recommendation requests and one has completed it, and the other said she would have it done by the end of this week.

What do you guys think my chances look like?

It wouldn’t hurt to get more involved in EC’s at your current university, if you want to improve your application at all. But with your current GPA I’d say you’re looking pretty good! A very good chance.

Looks good if you will have the requires number of credits by the end of this semester.

I am definitely going to try to get more involved in the Spring semester. This past semester I had two jobs and I’ve also been working on improving my running because I’d like to continue doing cross country and track at the collegiate level.

And yes I will have 36 by the end of Spring 2016 semester so I should be good on the required number of credits.

I wouldn’t be that concerned about EC’s- your jobs count! btw- the WI track club UW students join is excellent for CC running as a club sport.

@wis75 Thank goodness! I hope they can see I am still a well rounded student despite my lack of college EC’s this past Fall semester. And how competitive is the track club there? Is it a school club or like a city club? My current university has both a cross country team as well as a running club, but I am currently focusing on improving my times. This is the link. My son was in it and used it to run plus he could sign up for some out of town meets- paying his own expenses. There is also a UW running club that was less strenuous I believe. Madison is great for runners- it is a large campus but running was done away fro campus as well. They also had use of the indoor track in the old fieldhouse near campo Randall (the football stadium).