Chance Me (Transfer)

I’m actually in the same boat, but just not as far away. Last year I decided to go to the University of Minnesota Twin Cities College of Science and Engineering because of scholarship opportunities that UW Madison didn’t give me. Now looking back on that decision the money doesn’t really matter, but what school I like more is what truly matter. The money will resolve itself in the end. I got into Madison last year but this year I’m a little worried that I won’t get in.

In high school I was Salutatorian with a weighted GPA of like 4.3 unweighted like 3.9 or something don’t really exactly remember. In Minnesota I came in with 48 credits from AP so I would presume it is around the same for Madison. And I was very involved in bowling both state recognized and nationally recognized. I was very involved in other extracurriculars and so and so forth. All around I was a good student. Got an ACT of 32 and writing of 10.

This year though I’m not doing quite as well. I’m majoring in Electrical Engineering, but my back up if I don’t get into the engineering college is a Chemistry major. Either way I’m going to do pre med prereqs and try my hand at becoming a doctor.
Currently I’m taking Physics 1 for engineers (Calc based hardest one offered at the U thats not honors), Engineering Linear Algebra and Differential Equations (Calc 3 here), Electrical Engineering 1301 Intro to Computing Systems, Biogeography (doubt this course transfers, but whatever win some lose some) and 1st year college of science and engineering intro class. For a grand total of 17 credits. But my problem comes in that I think I’m going to get around a 3.3-3.5 (this is probably on the low end may end up higher after working my ass off studying for finals, but low 3.0 is like very worst case)and don’t know if that will be good enough for admittance. I’m applying to the engineering school or Letters and Science. If letter and science I’m going to major in Chemistry and try and be a pharmocologist or Doctor.

Sorry this is a repost from another thread just didn’t get good responses there so the post might read odd for the first couple sentences

Look at the UW transfer site. It sounds like you should have the needed college gpa and be able to meet the college credits required for transfer reqs.

Get your application and other materials in by the deadline.

If available make use of the career center next semester to take (free) tests to help you determine which STEM major seems the best fit. There should be aptitude and interest tests available. Be prepared to work hard at either school.