As you can see in the title, those were the schools I applied to. I was wondering if anyone can chance me.

Cumulative GPA: 4.31
10-11 GPA: 4.48
UC GPA: 4.05

(Regarding GPA, there is a highly positive trend. First semester of freshman year I received a 3.82 GPA compared to first semester of junior year where I recevied a 4.83 with straight As. Second semester of junior year I got a 4.67. Sophomore year I got 4.17 both semesters)

SAT: 1540 (7 6 7 on essay)
SAT Superscore for USC: 1540 (7 8 8 on essay)
(Got a 1170 first time, 1320 second, and 1540 third)

I believe I had more of a quality versus quantity in my activities. I was Vice President of Circle of Friends my senior year. Was a member for three years before that and my essay has a very inclusive topic on why Circle of Friends became took such an important role in my life. I started a breast cancer project where I gathered funds throughout my school with three other clubs. Co-Founded and was Vice President of a Club that I helped create called League of Legends Club.

Essays: Although I cannot entirely share the topic, my USC essay was somewhat good because I wrote it a couple days before the application was due. I based it off of one of my UC personal statements. My UC statements were very strong. I had multiple people thoroughly review them. I mainly talked about my background story and how it impacted my education because I came from a family that had many troubles during my highschool career. Also talked a lot about how Circle of Friends became so important in my life.

Major: Mostly Biochemistry, Psychobiology for UCLA, Biological Sciences for UCI.

Ethnicity: South Korean

Other details: UCLA is my dream school and I prosper to attend their university. If not, I hope I can get into SC or Cal. I hope you guys can give me the more truthful answers no matter how much I might not want to hear it. Thank you guys!

Thank you everyone, every comment is appreciated! It would be nice if you can mention your credibility!

I can guess, but just to be sure: Are you in-state in California?

Yes in-state in California.

You are a very competitive applicant for these schools. UCLA is a high match may help you.

I think my GPA and SAT are somewhat decent to these high caliber schools, but I’m worried about my UC GPA. I’ve heard kids having like a 4.5 or 4.7 UC GPA and it freightens me LOL. And comparing my extracurriculars to other students, I feel like mine don’t nearly compare to theirs.

Oh forgot to mention.
SAT Subject Test scores:
Math II: 770
Biology E: 600 (Yes I know thats terrible, but I still submitted)

UCs tend to emphasize GPA over test scores, while USC appears to be the opposite.

So USC may be a better chance than UCLA.

What are your thoughts on my chances at the other UC schools such as SD, SB, and Irvine?

For the 3.80-4.19 GPA range, UCSD, UCSB, and UCI had 2016 admission rates of 44%, 54%, and 65% respectively. Obviously, other factors like test scores, essays, and extracurriculars matter, though some of these are difficult to observe and compare with other applicants from a point of view outside the admissions staff.

Based on my stats, what do you think my chances are in terms such as “competitive, highly competitive, weak, or decent?”