I applied to UC Davis, UC Riverside, and UC Santa Cruz.

SAT: 1190
GPA: 3.4W
AP’S: Currently enrolled in 1, 3 on APUSH & AP Psych
Honors: Multiple Honors, I believe 7 not counting this year.
EC’s: Very few, joined 3 clubs this year (But I spoke about my struggle with depression & how this hindered me in Davis’ holistic questionnaire)
Rank: 119/298
Major: Undeclared (College of Fine Arts, and College of Social Sciences)
Out of State

Average SAT scores, average GPA, and acceptance rate of UC Davis, Riverside, and Santa Cruz:

  • UC Davis: 1290, 3.99, 41%
  • UC Riverside: 1170, 3.6, 60%
  • UC Santa Cruz: 1210, 3.66, 53%

Your SAT score is only above average for Riverside; its pretty close to the Santa Cruz average but its far from the Davis average. GPA is below average at all the UCs that you mentioned, so thats definitely going to lower your chances of getting in. Its good that you’ve taken multiple honors classes and 3 AP classes, although I have to say that a 3 in APUSH and AP Psych is pretty low for those schools, and the fact that you’re only 119 from 298 students will also lower your chances of getting in. Its too bad that you don’t have many ECs, since that could’ve increased your chances of getting in. Also, don’t ever play the victim on your college essays! Trust me, colleges frown upon students who have not learned from situations such as depression and who lack the ability to take responsibility for their own actions. Overall, I think you could get into Riverside. Santa Cruz is more of a reach and Davis is not likely at all.

Good Luck! Lux Sit

Thank you for your response! I didn’t talk about my family situation or mental health on my actual essays- Davis sent a separate questionnaire to fill out where they ask if we had any personal circumstances that could have hindered our academics and interest in EC’s. I just wanted to be honest- but I did make a point to talk about my recovery! I really appreciate your answer, it’s very helpful. I figured Davis was an absolute reach and Riverside was my best bet! Can’t wait until March! :slight_smile:

I think @luxsit is being overly optimistic with your chances for UC Davis. It is a positive sign that they sent you a supplemental but mental health issues are a red flag for many schools. Honesty is important but UC’s are competitive and can be stressful academically.

Freshman admits for UC GPA of 3.40-3.79
UCD: 11%
UCSC: 47%
UCR: 64%
UCM: 80%

Congrats on your recovery and wish you the best.

Since these are OOS for you, will your parents pay the full fees of $60K per year?

@Gumbymom I know mental health is a huge red flag for schools (rightfully so, college is stressful!), so I was hesitant to fill out the form but I figured it would be to my advantage to be honest about personal circumstances instead of looking like a lazy student. Plus it made stronger! :stuck_out_tongue: Thank you for the percentages- I’m hoping that UCR will be right for me! Also, thank you so much for your kind wishes- it means a lot! :slight_smile:

@“aunt bea” If I’m being honest, we haven’t spoken much about the financial aspect mainly because these aren’t necessarily my top choices, so we have been busy financing schools I have already been accepted to. I’m aware of the huge financial load that comes with these schools, I’ve been very conflicted about them since I applied. However, my mother seems very positive about them despite the tuition… so I’m not sure what to feel! Do you have any experience with OOS UC students financially?

Run the net price calculator for the UC’s in question. Simply put except to pay Full fees especially if your stats are not in the top 1-2% where you would qualify for Regent scholarships. UC’s give little merit aid and the good FA packages would include Cal grants and Blue & Gold Scholarships which are only available to in-state residents.

@Gumbymom about the financials, I got an email stating that I could be exempt from paying out of state fees for the UCs, and I filled out the questionnaire that determines my eligibility and it said it looks like I am eligible! Hopefully it all works out for me.

Great news