Chance Me! (USC, UCLA, UC Berkeley, other UC's)

Ethnicity: Asian American
Income: 200K Bracket
Location: S. California

Major: Business

UW: 3.85
UC GPA: 4.32
Old SAT: 1460 / 23
Rank: 8 out of 565

AP Scores:

AP Bio: 4
AP Stats: 5
AP Lang: 4
AP Euro: 4

Extra Curricular:

Leo Club (9-12) Director of Activities, Co-President
Amnesty (9-12) Publicity, President
National Honor Society (11,12) President
Order of the Arrow (10-12) Member
Student Government (9-12) Executive Board Secretary
Boy Scouts of America (9-12) SPL, ASPL, Eagle Scout
Water Polo (9-12) Varisity, Treasurer, JV Capt.
eSports (9-12) Founder, President x2
Future Business Leaders of America (11,12) VP of Business Relations
Senior Center (9-12) Volunteered approx. ~100 hours


AP Scholar w/ Distinction
Eagle Scout
National Merit Commended
Academic All League
FBLA Member of the Month





Please chance for all the UC’s , USC , Santa Clara, and Ivy League schools if you have the time. More importantly, please chance me on the odds of receiving a partial/full scholarship from UC’s, USC, and Santa Clara. Thanks.

These chances are for if your SAT score is a 1460/1600.

Berkeley: reject
USC: waitlist/reject
UCLA: waitlist/accept
All other UC’s: accept (maybe waitlist then accept)
HYP: reject
Other Ivies: maybe 1 or 2 waitlist then accept? Not sure

I love your stats. LEO club, very cool. I think you got good stuff. I’d recommend broadening your EC’s and include if you can paid jobs, online courses, research, music performance, and anything else that may be interesting. You got the leadership thing down. Knock the essays out of the park, and I’d say your chances are good everywhere.

Try looking at the alphabetical list of colleges and post your UC stats in the University of California-General site. Maybe Gumbymom, who is very knowledgeable, will comment. You can add USC there too.