Chance Me/// UW-Madison


I am a Chicago Resident and am looking to do an Early Application to UW-Madison. I would also like to get a direct admission into their Business Program. Here is a list of the following things I am involved in, and would like to see what my chances of getting in are:

1200 SAT
24 ACT
3.7 Non-Weighted GPA
Top 10% of Graduating Class

Girls Varsity Tennis
Girls Varsity Track and Field
NHS (Executive Team)
Warrior Pride (Leader)
Pi Sigma Pi (Executive Officer)
DECA (State Finalist)
Student Council

Was there anything further I could do to give myself a further push into getting in with a good merit scholarship.

Don’t count on getting a merit scholarship from UW-Madison. There aren’t any that I know of, you are a non-resident and your ACT score is in the bottom 25 percentile.

Get that ACT up to a 28+ and you should be good. 24 is pretty low and even more so since you are out of state.

Your stats do not look scholarship worthy. In fact, they may not be acceptance worthy for UW without attempting a direct admit to business. Get a good ACT score. Academics trumps activities. Look at the UW website for stats on admitted students et al.