Chance me Virginia Tech

<p>Unweighted GPA: 3.37
Weighted GPA: 4.77
AP's taken: US History, World History
AP's taking this year (senior year): Calculus AB, Statistics, Language and Composition
Members of 3 school clubs
Boy Scout
National Honors society
Political Campaigning
Volunteer hours: About 900
Applying to the business school</p>

<p>How does your school calculate weighted GPA. I am curious given I have never seen a weighted GPA be 1.5 higher than unweighted with only 2 AP classes. Are you in-state?</p>

<p>I am out of state and throughout my four years of high school I have taken honors or ap classes. The weighted GPA is out of a 6.33 and the unweighted out of a 4.33</p>