Chance me VT

7 AP’s A’s B’s C+'s in them
The rest of my classes as a whole were mostly Honors/Dual Enrollments, and did good in my academic level classes
3.81 Weighted GPA
1160 SAT Score
Checked off Corps of Cadets on Application
3 Year Varsity Letterman and was a Senior Captain, and made all conference.
4 Honor Society
3 Clubs
Applied Early then got deferred
Applied Undecided
Sent 1 Letter of Rec

What are my chances?

Based purely on stats alone, the 2017 Average accepted Undecided student GPA was 3.86 and SAT 1236. So, you are at the 50% level on GPA and slightly below on SAT. What this does not take in to account is the actual classes taken, grading scale of your school, weights applied, etc. So, this is only a high level comparison tool and is only one part of what admissions considers. I know this does not answer your question, but I do not like to guess what admissions will do. I do however hope you get a favorable answer when decisions come out.

Did you apply to other schools? Have you heard from them?

From the look of it, the C’s and maybe even B’s in AP courses may be a determining factor here. Taking rigorous courses and doing well in them is definitely something VT considers when looking at a transcript.