Chance me :) will chance back! :)

<p>Okay, so I'm an indian male in the IB program
Taking rigorous IB courses- HL Bio, SL Chem, HL Math, SL Spanish, HL English, TOK, SL History for my 11th and 12th years
Rank (district): 155/19,600
Unweighted GPA- 3.6
Weighted- 6.21
SAT : 1810, CR: 570, W:600, M:640
Teacher Recs: IB chem and IB History- didn't see them, but they both like me and know that I try harder than most students.
Essay for Common App: talked about my achievements during volunteering at a hospital-making wheelchairs for veterans
Mu Alpha Theta (9-12th) Geometry team captain, Precalc team captain, Historian
Science Honor Society, NHS, Spanish Honor Society, Marine Biology, FBLA Member
Played piano for 6 years
Member of School Tennis Team </p>

<p>Service Hours: VA Hospital (80hrs) , Rehab Center (50hrs), Relay for Life (22hrs), Horse Equestrian Farm (50hrs), Volunteered at dental practice in England (60hrs) and volunteered to aid with cancer patients in New Delhi (25hrs), India as well as the blind in India (25hrs)</p>

<p>Awards: High Honor Roll, Anne Frank Humanitarian Award, Outstanding Volunteer</p>

<p>Worked at Subway for a few summers!</p>

<p>I think you have a good chance! Let me know how everything goes! :)</p>

<p>Thanks, will do! :)</p>