Chance me

<p>GPA: 3.1 (UW)
ACT: 23
Teacher rec: Not sure
Race: Caucasian
Major: Aerospace engineering
Rank: 50%
Essays: A lot of people liked them
ECs: Not great, but not really bad
(Applying next week so could be considered so I am fairly late and am out of state.)</p>

<p>I am going to apply regardless but can any one tell me if my expectations are realistic? I would appreciate any last minute advice too.</p>

<p>I have interests in other majors and I hear that acceptance is dependent on the space in a particular program’s space availability. Would it be recommenced to find the least filled up program and transfer to Aeronautical engineering (or other) major later? I want to minor in Japanese so that is a possibility. Where would I go to see what programs are not that filled up. Please and thank you.</p>

<p>Sorry about the triple post but it won’t let me edit. in the section of extracurriculars, were we just supposed to make a list or is there a certain format that they want with it like a description.</p>

<p>I think your chances for Purdue in general are realistic (may be on the lower end) but most likely not for a Purdue engineering major.</p>

<p>Sadly, you’re stats are a bit low for engineering. But, it depends on what the break down of your ACT scores are and AP courses and such.</p>

<p>According to Purdue’s website, the only program that is closed for Fall 2011 is Nursing. ([Purdue</a> University - Closed Programs](<a href=“]Purdue”></p>

<p>I am pretty sure, though, that you have a chance at Purdue.</p>

<p>Thanks for the help. I appreciate that I still have some chance.I heard that in order to major in either aeronautical engineering or mechanical engineering, you have to be admitted as a freshman. Is that true? Would I be able to switch amongst them since they are so related? Exactly how much harder is it to get into engineering as opposed to another major and then switch over?</p>

<p>As for my ACT, I think that my math and science were high and reading and writing were low. For AP, I took APUSH and AP comp last year, got a 2 in APUSH and 3 in AP comp. This year I am challenging myself and taking AP Japanese, AP Spanish, AP Calculus AB, AP Chemistry, and AP literature. I don’t know how many I am going to pass though.</p>

<p>That is true to an extent. You have to take first year engineering before you can go into a field of engineer, so yes you need to start as a freshman. If you went to another school and took one year of engineering and then transfered to Purdue, you could go straight into one of the disciplines.
Once you take first year, then lets say you go into mechanical, then after sophomore year, you want to switch to aeronautical: I heard that was easy to do, but obviously takes more time.</p>

<p>As for the transfer from something else to engineering, I have no idea.</p>

<p>With the ACT, that is what they are looking for: high math and science. Those APs look good, too.</p>

<p>I just want to make sure that I can do that with ME and AE. I know that you can do that with other engineering majors but I read somewhere that you can’t do that with those two for some reason.</p>

<p>I didn’t hear that. I searched the website and couldn’t find anything. On my tour, they said that technically, you can take whatever you want, you will just be there forever.
The were advising not to do it with BE.</p>

<p>Also, my tour guide said that the easy of doing two would depend on how closely linked the two are (ME and AE are close.) and how many AP credits you would have coming in (because then you might get out of some classes here and there.).</p>

<p>If anyone else finds a page that says what you cannot double major in or something similar, I would be very interested to see what it says.</p>

<p>I think i might not have been terribly clear. I am worried about switching between the two but I was wondering if I could enter as a Japanese major because admissions would be easier, take engineering classes, work really hard, and then transfer over to ME or AE when the time comes. That is what I heard that I can not do but I may not be wrong. Anyone have any thoughts?</p>

<p>I have a cousin that was admitted as undecided Liberal Arts, and he’s planning on getting into engineering after either a semester or a year, don’t remember his plan. It’s possible since the FYE classes are: chemistry, calculus, English, com 114, physics and the engineering intro class. All of which can be taken by any major with the exception of the FYE class. I hear you can get an override from your adviser for that FYE class. </p>

<p>And after first semester you could try to switch into FYE, I believe. Or you can wait until the whole year is done before switching. </p>

<p>Hope I made sense and good luck!</p>

<p>Why wouldn’t everyone do what I am doing if there are seemingly no bad side effects? Am I missing a critical part here? One big problem I have is that I wrote my essay which people seem to like and it is all about how I want to be an international engineer. Won’t admissions think that odd and deny me for trying to weasel the system?</p>

<p>I’m thinking that you need to do really well your first semester or yer in order to switch and that there are limited spaces for transfers. So I think it’s probably a risky move. </p>

<p>I would just apply for engineering and if you get denied, you’ll probably get a chance to pick a different major to apply into.</p>

<p>The transfer into FYE is not that easy and they have the right to out right deny you it would also set you back a the amount of time you do not take the intro to engineering class 131 or 195 whatever they call it now because you have to be an FYE student to take it. You can’t move into a engineering professional school like AAE or ME until you fulfill all the FYW requirements. When transferring between prof. schools like ME to AAE you have to look at the engineering index which is like a condensed GPA each school requires a a certain number. Each school also has many pre-reqs so if you spend a semester in ME you may have to start from about ground zero in AAE.</p>

<p>They may have the right to deny me but how often do they do so if you have been doing relatively well in your classes? I heard that you can take FYE 131/195 through your advisor overriding that rule which is fairly easy to do. How would I have to start from “ground zero” if I went to AE from ME since I will have to take the same basic classes (calculus, physics, chem, English, etc.) for ME anyways.</p>

<p>I can’t vouch for overrides as I have no experience in them. I’m not sure about the denying you either, but in the case that you do not get the override you would be behind. In terms of ground zero I mean in the professional school so instead of taking something like statics in ME you would take Aeromechanics I in AAE, these courses are not transferable.</p>