Chance Me

<p>I live in miami and am really hoping to get into UM... please chance me
GPA: 3.52 UW
5.2 W (at my school, dnt know how they calculate)
Have taken 9 APs and 5 IB classes
SAT: 2040
SAT 2: Yet to take
ACT: Yet to take
National Honor Society
Spanish National Honor Society
Key Club
Won a few essay contests
JV football 9th and 10th
Community service at a hospital in India my entire summer (great experience)
Organized can drives for Feeding south florida organization
Tutoring at the local middle school
AP scholar with distinction
(Done close to 200-300 hours of CS btw, doing various stuffs)</p>

<p>Hook: Legacy Admission
Really involved with UM, did a research course there in my middle school</p>

<p>High level stats look good. A few questions. Can you break down the SAT score into Math, Reading, Writing for us? What kind of scores did you get on your APs? Do you know your class rank (or can you approximate it)? Did you take practice ACTs - if so, what were your scores? Have you already applied EA?<br>

APs- Bio, AP Spanish Lit, European history all 3’s
World history, APUSH, Psychology, AP spanish lang, AP english lit all 5’s
AP English Lang-4
ACT I have no clue, havent really thought into it. and yes applying EA.</p>

<p>So, combined SAT that UM cares about is 1410. Class rank? Is your senior courseload aggressive with more AP/IB/Honors classes? You realize EA deadline was 6 days ago, right?<br>