Chance Me

<p>I'm an African American female that goes to a private school in Ohio.
GPA: 3.65 (I'm going to bring it up senior year)
I took AP French, APUSH, AP Government. Senior year I'll take AP Human Geography and AP Psychology. Everything else I took was honors except math classes.</p>

<p>Extra Curriculars
Model United Nations for 3 years
School Ambassador
Founded Young Democrats
Princeton Model Congress
Pep Squad
History Club</p>

<p>Work Experience
Summer Camp counselor
Intern for President Obama's campaign 2012 in Ohio</p>

<p>Volunteer Work
Ursuline senior center
St Vincent's hospital
County Library
Food for Thought
Toledo Labre</p>

<p>Honors/ Awards
President's List
Dean's List
First Honors
Second Honors
Highest Honors from Social Studies department for AP US History
Highest Honors from Foreign Language department for French 2</p>

<p>If you have any suggestions, let me know.</p>

<p>I believe you have an excellent chance at Loyola Chicago. My daughter was accepted with similar stats and ECs. Make contact with the admissions counselor for your area and make sure they know you are interested. Good luck in what should be an exciting year.</p>

<p>ACT score?</p>