Chance Me!


<p>I am a MD junior and I have a 3.43 unweighted GPA and a 3.6 weighted GPA. I go to a very competitive high school with a school-wide average unweighted GPA of 3.3. I received a 2150 on the SAT (planning to retake it again).</p>

<p>I have been a avid equestrian for my whole life and have competed competitively for 7 years. I am and officer for 5 clubs (two of which I started). I have taken Photography for 3 years and plan to do AP next year. I am on track to get the Virginia Governor’s Seal for my Work with Community Service. I have won awards for my work in the Junior Optimist Club and Social International Club. I have been the recipient of numerous Horsemanship Awards across the east coast.</p>

<p>My biggest regret is when I was a underclassman I didn’t care about school so I got a 3.05 (unweighted freshman year) and a 3.4 (unweighted sophomore year). This year I have a 3.8 unweighted and a 4.15 weighted.</p>

<p>What UC Schools would take me?</p>

<p>1) Can you afford the UC’s at $55K/year with little to no financial aid for OOS students?
2) At the end of your Junior year, you need to calculate your UC GPA which only uses 10-11th grades with up to 8 sememsters of honors credit for AP classes only (OOS).</p>

<p><a href=“GPA Calculator for the University of California – RogerHub”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Your SAT is competitive, but you also need to have a competitive GPA, outstanding essays and EC’s</p>

<p>For UCLA/UCB: You need a UC GPA around 4.0+ and aim for an SAT of 2200+ for the best chances
For UCSD/UCD/UCSB/UCD, your SAT is competitive but you still need a UC GPA of 4.0 to be competitive.
For UCSC/UCR and UCM: Your Stats are competitive.</p>

<p>Good Luck.</p>

<p>This was so helpful thank you! Yes, I come from a affluent area, money is not an issue.</p>

<p>My UC GPA so far with Junior grades is a 3.79. How does that measure up?</p>

<p>With your current GPA, UCR/UCM/UCSC would be Matches. UCI/UCSB/UCD would be Low Reach/High Match depending upon major. UCLA/UCB and UCSD would be Reaches. UC’s are very GPA focused, so the higher the better. Keep up those grades and Good Luck.</p>