Chance Me?

Major question is how admissions will look at my second semester grades…

In state applicant, was postponed during first notification period
GPA: 3.6
ACT score: 29
4 AP Classes Junior year, 5 Senior year. 9 Honors Classes throughout high school

Leadership positions in multiple extracurriculars, interned for state senator last summer.

gpa dropped from a 3.83 to a 3.6 past two semesters, during mid year reporting I explained that my semester gpa dropped from a 3.5 to a 2.9 after finals and that a few teachers were willing to raise grades based on second semester performance (4 borderline classes dropped)- just took responsibility, didn’t whine about taking hard classes.

Sent a letter few weeks back explaining my interest in UW and grade improvement during second semester (3.71) Curious how admissions will look at that compared to last semester’s gpa. Anything more I can do to help?


What happened during finals?

All 4 of my borderline grades dropped, two teachers are willing to raise my grades based on second semester though. During that time I found out I needed to have surgery but I felt like that’s a ridiculous explanation for the poor grades.

@Syzygy10‌ That is not ridiculous. My grades also dropped first semester because I actually had surgery, I explained this in my grades report also. Given, I was already in at the time, but surgery is a legitimate excuse vs. “I just didn’t try”.

That’s true, any opinion’s on my chances?

Well, I think that you still have a chance. I say probably a decent chance, although I am not sure how many spots are left in this year’s class.

Do you think sending a letter of interest and having my counselor call them will help? I also sent in some extra accomplishments but I don’t know how much those will help.

I think it could be too late to send a letter of interest but it certainly wouldn’t hurt, it’s worth the try. I myself sent them a long email of interest a while back

Send the letter ASAP, as in right when you see this response. Decisions only have a few more days to come out for the second notification period. Good luck!

Send the letter ASAP, as in right when you see this response. Decisions only have a few more days to come out for the second notification period. Good luck!

I sent the letter and had my counselor call them over a week ago, I’m wondering if that could help my chances though. I explained that my second semester gpa was a 3.71 so far, which is significantly higher than last semester but do they take that into consideration?

We don’t know if it could help your chances, it’s all speculation

True, I’m just trying to see how someone else views my up and down gpa trend over the past two semesters.

Thank you to every one who’s responded so far.