Chance Me

I’m a 17 year old, female junior looking to see my chances of getting into this school.

[ PSAT/NMSQT ] -Total Score 1180
*Reading/Writing Score: 610 ; Math Score: 570

[ ACT ] - 25
*My reading/english scores were 28/30, while my math/science scores were 21/20.
*I took the ACT back in December right before finals with a ton of stress. I also had not put more than an hour into studying for it. I plan to begin studying within the month to take it in April at my school.

[ PLEASE NOTE ] My high school is very small and does not offer much in advanced coursework. We were only offered 1 AP course this year in the entire school, as well as their being no honor classes. I have taken the most advanced classes I could possibly take throughout my years, as well as maintaining high grades during times of great emotional stress at home due to family problems throughout my sophomore and junior year.

[ GPA - Weighted ] Basically a 4.0


Biology I - 93.5%
Geometry - 90.5%
( 1 Sem ) Grammar & Rhetoric - 96%
Keyboarding/Computer Apps - 96.3%
Lit & Comp I - 96%
( 1 Sem ) Nutrition & Culinary Arts I - 89%
PE - 98.5%
( 1 Sem ) World History I - 97%
( 1 Sem ) Drivers Ed - 90%
( 1 Sem ) Geography S2 - 94%
( 1 Sem ) World History II - 93%

*AP classes are not offered for underclassmen.


Algebra II - 99%
Chemistry - 96%
( 1 Sem ) Health - 96%
Lit & Comp II - 103%
PE - 98.5%
Publication Production - 98%
Spanish I - 96.5%
( 1 Sem ) Topics in US History from 1940 - 100%
( 1 Sem ) Dramatic Literature - 100%
( 1 Sem ) Earth Science S2 - 94%

*AP classes are not offered for underclassmen. Also this year I went through emotional/mental problems with my parents divorce that did not hinder my grades at all.

[ JUNIOR YEAR ] * = Final Grade Still In Progress

*American Lit III - 97.5%
*AP US History - 90.5%
*PE - 99%
*Physics - 94.5%
*Pre-Calculus - 90.5%
( 1 Sem ) Psychology - 95%
( 1 Sem ) Sociology - 95%
*Spanish II - 95%
( 1 Sem ) *Modern World Issues - 99%
( 1 Sem ) *Parenting - 104%

*I have been going through emotional/mental problems due to stress from my friends and family.


( 1 Sem ) Senior Seminar
( 1 Sem ) Consumer Economics
Brit Lit & Advanced Comp.
AP Calculus
( 1 Sem ) Multi-Media Presentations
( 1 Sem ) Speech
( 1 Sem ) Web Design & Development
Publication Production
( 1 Sem ) Sports & Entertainment Marketing

[ EXTRA CIRRICULARS ] * = Leadership Role

  • *Drama Club ( 9, 10, 11, 12 ) Secretary/Treasurer
  • F.C.C.L.A ( 9, 10, 11, 12 )
  • Operation Teen Safe Driving ( 9 )
  • Student Council ( 10, 12 )
  • *Skin Deep ( 9, 10, 11, 12 ) Leader
  • National Honor Society ( Inducted year 10, 11, 12 ) *I plan to take a leadership role next year. Leaders are elected at the end of Junior year.
  • Science Club ( 12 )
  • Cheerleading ( 10, first half of 11 )
  • Save the Earth Club ( 12 ) *I plan to start this my senior year of high school to clean up trash along the sides of roads.
  • T.A.L.K. Leader ( 12 ) *I plan to become a leader, interviews are at the end of Junior year.
  • Taek Won Do from 3-4 Years
  • I attended NIU Art Camp for 2 years in a row
  • I worked at Monsanto in the summer for 2 years
  • I also recently held a babysitting job for 2 months but quit due to the mother/children
  • Volunteered at the Soup Kitchen ( 8 )
  • Volunteered at Feed My Starving Children ( 10, 11 )
  • Volunteered to set up for a School Board Dinner ( 10 )
  • Volunteered at a Race Fundraiser for the School ( 10 )
  • Volunteered at an Author Fair for my English teacher ( 10 ) *I also interviewed with her on local television for the fair
  • Most Comedic Performance by An Actress - Drama Club ( 9 )
  • No Small Role - Drama Club ( 10 )
  • Student of the Quarter Award - 1st Quarter ( 11 )
  • Superior Ribbon for my (had one other student help) NIU History Fair Poster Board ( 11 ) *We qualified for State and may go, but it's the day before the AP Exam

[ INTENDED MAJOR ] Psychology with a focus in forensics if possible
[ ALTERNATE MAJOR ] Either Sociology or English

[ CLASS RANK ] 8 out of 45 ( guesstimate )

[ HELP ] Is their any way to improve my performance? Or classes to switch to Senior year if possible?

Did not bother to read your list of classes et al (too lengthy). Your UNWEIGHTED gpa matters- this means no extra points for anything. Your intended major does NOT matter- everyone gets admitted to the university as a whole regardless of proposed major/undeclared status. This means your total test scores matter. Yours are below the 25th percentile. Impossible to know your unweighted gpa since you report percentages while the 4.0 scale is used- you need to convert it- your HS can help you with what numbers correlate to an A, B … Academics count more than extracurriculars- meaning you are expected to keep up your grades while adding activities.

Your chances? One fourth of the students will be below the 25th percentile and your grades may not be that bad so there is a chance. It also matters if you generally took the most rigorous courses available to you- students are not penalized for going to a HS without many AP courses available. At least two semesters of one foreign language are required (double check with the UW website) and most admitted students will have taken four years’ worth. YOU can figure out your chances from information on the UW freshman admissions site. Have you met requirements? Are your grades and test scores competitive? You can answer the question yourself.