Chance Me?


I am a rising senior from out of state and am wondering my chances of getting into UW. I have a 3.95 (weighted) GPA, took A.P US History and A.P. Chemistry last year, and will take A.P. Statistics and A.P. English next year. I’ve worked a job since my freshman year of high school. I am a member of NHS, am co-chair of a fundraising club for an African village, have my own blog about birdwatching (which I am extremely passionate about), and have written for a small birdwatching magazine. I am also a member of the varsity soccer and baseball teams and am the captain of the soccer team. I’ve done community service helping the poor in my area and monitoring bird populations. Will take SAT (and maybe ACT again) in fall. What are my chances of getting in?

Addition: 29 on ACT

Unweighted GPA?

3.74 unweighted

Good chance

Ditto the above.