Chance me!

Top 30% of my class
GPA- UW: 3.6 W:3.8
ACT- 23 (I am not a good test taker)
I take IB and AP courses- IB English, IB TOK, IB Theatre, AP Stats, AP Calc, AP Psychology
EC- NHS, Best Buddies, SS Honor Society, Math Honor Society, volunteer at local hospital, gender equality club, dance.
Awards- 200 hours of volunteering, high honor roll, honor roll

My essay was very creative.
Four very well written letters of rec

First semester grades were all A’s besides one B in an AP class…

Based off of your numbers, your chances aren’t the best. However, Madison makes a point to judge students based off of MANY other factors despite what you read online. Essays are very important. UW likes to see creativity and how you may have overcame adversity, how your grades improved over your high school career, and how you are involved in your community. if you are in-state your chances increase. If you are very confident in your essays and think that they set you apart from other students and have a lot of volunteer work, your chances look good.