Chance Me

Hi I am faced a huge dilemma of whether to apply ED to a private school or wait and see if I get into Wisco, but if I have no chance I want to apply ED… Would be applying EA out of state from MA.

GPA: 3.83 UW

SAT: 1160 (I am the absolute worst test taker) I have a 1250 super scored so very aggravating they do not superstore.

Class Rigor: All honor, except for math, but no APs

Extra Curricular: National Honor Society, Food pantry volunteer, volunteer at inner city school, pre college enrichment at Mcgill U, writing center coach, opinions writing editor on school newspaper, co founder of achievement gap intititave, founder of current events club.

My common app essay Is very good, my supplement is pretty good also, and I think my recs are pretty solid.

I’ve also visited campus if that helps!

Let me know what you think. P.S my cousin OOS was admitted last year EA w/ a 3.6W and a 25 on ACT-- which is why I think I may stand a shot.

Have you tried the ACT?

Visits do not matter. As above- take the ACT. Decide if you are competitive for the ED school as well. Consider family finances. You may not get into the ED school. You can always apply to UW by the application deadline after you have ACT scores on your record.

btw- self evaluations of essays are meaningless.

ED school is a safety/match. ACT I took and did Terrible not a good fit.