Chance me

Race: Pacific Islander
Gender: Male
Sat: 1240 (660 math, 580 reading) November sat (i’m retaking in December and march)
Major: Engineering
Gpa UW: 3.74
AP classes: Enviornmental Science: (4) Micro Macro: Computer science p, Physics c mechanics, Calc Ab, Comp Science, Lang and comp. Taken all honors math courses and Spanish courses (1-4)

Food for homeless shelter volunteer
4 year varsity swimming
4 year state DECA competitor
Job at Jimmy johns
Skytime Leader
Student action senate
2 year NHS secretary
Job at Which which
Essay: going to talk about building homes for the homeless in Indonesia or internship at my uncles accounting firm there.

As I read your information, you are applying RD, correct?

Your test scores may be a bit low to be very competitive for admission to the COE. However, look at the Data Digest,; it may give you a historical perspective on how you compare to other applicants for the college to which you are applying.

Also, Purdue’s Common Data Set, see, can provide statistical information at Part C that may be useful in helping you gauge your chances. It will also tell you, under Part C7, what factors are “very important,” “important,” “considered,” and “not considered” in admissions decisions. You can look at how you performed in these categories, and perhaps get some idea from that of your chances.