Chance Me?

From a financial perspective. Virginia community colleges are a terrific option. They have programs where you do first 2 years at community college and then transfer in to university of your choice for final 2 years (if keep up grades). A much cheaper option in earning the same degree as if cane in as a freshman.

Is staying in CA, but living outside your current situation an option? This may be a cheaper alternative to paying OOS Virginia cost plus living. Seems it might achieve your goal of attending college now (even look at community colleges), not living with parents and being able to afford it? Just a thought.

@cbl1 I agree! Some of my friends are attending community college even though they were studious in high school simply because it’s cheaper, and employers don’t usually pay mind to where someone gets their associates’.

@bboop42 I’ve definitely thought about it. My dad can’t afford to pay for an apartment for me on top of UCD expenses. He might if I went to Sac State but he doesn’t believe it’s a good school.

Still seems you taking loans for living expenses in CA with your dad covering tuition is still a much cheaper option than VA OOS tuition you pay even if staying with grandparents. I am assuming your dad is not able or willing to pay OOS VA rates. Also, if he did, then you definitely are still a dependent of his and OOS for VA purposes. Good Luck with whatever you decide.


Were you planning to live with your dad and commute to Davis? Is that the plan that has fallen apart?

@bboop42 Thank you. Since this thread has become so popular, I plan on updating it later in the future with my decision and how things have turned out.

@thumper1 Yes. We would get in-state and not have to pay for room and board if I stayed in CA. It is financially sound but it all depends on how much I’m willing to endure for the next 4 years.

Strange as if you had moved to va you wouldn’t be eligible as haven’t been here year.

Rephrase? @cbl1

Well say you had lived in California and moved to virginia Middle last year. You would not be eligible for in state Virginia tuition at this point.

Only if I didn’t take a gap year, then yeah. FAFSA and most colleges state that if you move to a state solely for the purpose of in-state tuition then you will not be granted it. The trick with my situation is that my father and I had every intent on living in California for the rest of our lives. He bought a house, registered to vote, is paying taxes, etc–essentially cutting all ties from Virginia, which is why this works.

You’re right though in that I wouldn’t be given in-state tuition in that scenario.

You look like a well qualified applicant but, you are too late to change plans for Aug unless you have a pending somewhere.

That aside, if cost is a big constraint, you should probably attend a CC in your home state - which is probably VA. OOS for for both Davis and Sac are pretty outrageous. Even the CA CCs gouge out of staters. It would probably be cheaper to pay rent near a VA CC than to pay OOS tuition at Davis.

Good luck


This student moved to CA with her parent in August 2018. By August 2019, wouldn’t the student have instate status in CA?

Because they left VA and now own a home and established residency in CA, I can’t see how the kid would be instate for Virginia. Parent resides in…California…and has residency there.

Yes this was confirmed. By August 2019, I would be considered a California resident.

@thumper1 I am no expert on residency. my understanding is - if he moves here with a parents and that parent, gets a job, drivers lic, registers to vote etc - after 1 year he would qualify for Resident tuition. My understanding is that a UC won’t grant a deferral so a student can gain residency. They are typically reserved for military commitments or illness. I don’t know if all of the boxes got checked or not.

OP - if you are CA resident, it seems you have 4 choices, go to Davis like you’d planned, attend a local CC then transfer, find a school that’s still accepting applicants (like UNR) or, sit out another year while you apply again. I would discourage you from sitting out another year. It can be tough to get back into the academic rhythm after a long break - and at 20. being stirred in with 17-18 year olds in the dorm will grow tedious. I also think you will find the schools still accepting applications to be more expensive than Davis - but, it is worth investigating. It sounds like your parent doesn’t want to pay to live on campus - a part time job could help offset much of that expense.

UPDATE: I was admitted into VT today for PoliSci. Yay! Interestingly enough, on my finance spreadsheet they indicated I will be paying in-state tuition. I’m curious as to what my acceptance letter states in terms of residency.